Scavengers of the Mutant World

Moby ID: 6272

DOS version

Probably the first Post-Apocalyptic game around and also the worst...

The Good
I don't know about you, but this really must be the first Post-Apocalyptic game, at least that I've come across. The idea back then was totally original and pure genius: Lead a bunch of adventurers into a secure haven that hasn't been effected by radiation. On the way there, you kill monsters and pick up everything else that hasn't been blown to pieces.

The process of adventuring and item finding would probably be the best aspects of the games. Using traffic signs as shields and other "modern" goodies but using it in a "medieval" kinda way sounds like a real treat for RPG fans. They really should make a modern version of this game...haven't found one with that idea yet.

The game is also randomly generated, which means every world you start is a new experience...although your beginning area always seems to be the same.

There are a lot of NPC's you can recruit as team mates at the starting "town" or what's left of it, quite a lot actually although you can only have a maximum of 4 blokes in your party.

The Bad
Well this is one of those classics that would collect dust, since you really wouldn't want to play it again. The graphics were really terrible, even back then (if that were possible). Combat was merely approach and hit, standard issue nothing fancy. The first few hours would keep you entertained but then you realize there's not much gameplay and story to keep you interested.

The game had a really terrific idea to begin with, but they failed to maximize the potential the idea had to offer. Character development was fun, but lousy graphics would eventually eat you up with boredom. I know graphics aren't supposed to be a primary consideration, but they made this one worse than standard graphical games of its age. It appears they wanted to make it realistic, but ended up with corny instead.

In my case, I immediately lost interest after I left the beginning city, there wasn't much purpose or anything to look forward too. The fact the combat was a bore made the anticipation (if any) worse. Besides the idea, the box cover were the only great things about the game.

The Bottom Line
Great idea, bad everything else. They really should do a remake of this particular game.

by Indra was here (20752) on May 17, 2004

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