World War III: Black Gold

Moby ID: 6643

World War 3 is a fully 3D RTS game with all the features that characterize this genre. The game has been developed based on a 3D environment, so that the player can set the camera anywhere and freely zoom in and out. All game objects are 3D, as well as the terrain itself. The units also possess unique, dynamic physical properties. For example, vehicles move faster on hard soil than they would in sand. There are three parties in the game: the USA, Russia and Iraq. Each faction allows the player to select two campaigns, consisting of 5 missions on average. Each campaign begins and ends with a rendered film scene.

World War 3: Black Gold takes the player to the near future. The political crisis has been going on for months, leading to worldwide turmoil. A secret conference of the UN Central Geological Commission reveals that worldwide oil reserves have reached dangerously low levels: Oil reserves will run out within 8-10 years. This proves too short for even the most highly industrialized countries to switch their economies to alternative energy sources. Soon, mass protests erupt all over the world, effectively shutting down the global economy. The Great Powers have declared WW III...


  • Fully 3-D terrain

  • Day/night cycles and variable weather conditions affect the game and its strategy

  • Highly detailed, realistic vehicles and weapons systems based on current military hardware

  • Units gain combat experience during the fight

  • Kamikaze units

  • "Technology Tree" weapons research system

  • Tunnels, trenches and interconnected underground tunnel systems)

  • Ability to modify the 3D terrain (flatten terrain, create bulwarks or dig ditches using Army bulldozers)

  • Build bridges

  • Defense systems (missile defense, decoys and anti-chemical filters)

  • Camouflage and jamming systems (Stealth Units,...)

  • Electronic Battle System (eavesdrop on enemy communications, computerized firing control,…)



“Political climate aside, this is a great game. It is well designed and features great replay ability.”

90 – Gamer's Pulse

“Black Gold's combination of intense real-time action, gorgeous graphics, and streamlined play make this one of the best real-time strategy games of 2001.”

85 – GameSpy

“It's an all-around great real-time strategy game that also happens to stand out from other games in the genre.”

84 – GameSpot

Ăśber dieses Spiel

Nach einer geheimen Sitzung der UN-Kommission wird bekannt, dass die Öl Reserven in den nächsten 8 bis10 Jahren ausgeschöpft sein werden.

Die Zeit reicht selbst für die meisten hochindustrialisierten Länder nicht aus, die Wirtschaft mit alternativen Energiequellen zu versorgen. Es bricht eine Welle von Protesten über die Welt herein und die gesamte Weltwirtschaft kommt zum Erliegen. Die führenden Mächte beginnen den 3. Weltkrieg und Sie sind mittendrin!


  • 2 Spielmodi fĂĽr Einsteiger und Profis
  • 3 Supermächte (USA, Russland, Irak) in drei einzigartigen Kampagnen mit 30 Missionen
  • Kampfeinheiten und Waffen entsprechen bis ins Detail ihren realen Vorbildern
  • Einheiten gewinnen an Erfahrung
  • Kamikaze-Truppen, Tarn-Einheiten und effektive Verteidigungssysteme
  • Taktisches Verändern der 3D Landschaft mit Hilfe von Bulldozern
  • Vernetztes Untergrund-Tunnel System fĂĽr Ăśberraschungsangriffe
  • AusgeklĂĽgeltes elektronisches Kampfsystem zum Abhören von Gegnern
  • Spannende Multitplayer-Modi im LAN und Internet ĂĽber EarthNet™
  • Inklusive dem Mod Superstorm

Source: (German)

Contributed by jaXen, Stillman.

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