Battleground 5: Antietam

aka: Battleground: Antietam 1862
Moby ID: 6726

The Bloodiest single day in American History

"Battleground: Antietam is extremely well done. Graphics, sound, and gameplay distinguish this from the numerous others in the category. It may not be the perfect Civil War game, but it's pretty darn close." - Gamespot

"I heartily recommend Battleground 5: Antietam to anyone who has an interest in the American Civil War or computer war games. It's a mature and stable warrior worthy of a commendation." - Cnet Gamecenter

September 17,1862-Sharpsburg,MD

Step up and take command of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia and "whup them Yankee aggressors" or grab the reigns of McClellan's Army of the Potomac and squash the rebellion once and for all!

A spectacularly rendered 3-D graphics battlefield highlights this struggle - the bloodiest single day in American history!

Antietam provides many historical and "What if" scenarios detailing the momentous struggle along the banks of Antietam Creek. Lavish attention to detail, gorgeous 3-D graphics and full-color reenactment videos blend into an exciting extravaganza of true multimedia entertainment!

Special Features:

  • Tangle with a crafty computer opponent or play Head-to-Head against your favorite human via Modem-to Modem, Null Modem, Play-by-E-mail, or two-player Hot Seat fog of war!
  • Variable time for release of Union Corps
  • Multiple Scenarios include The Cornfield, The Sunken Road, and Burnside's Bridge
  • Variable Command Control: Command some or all your army - ideal for novices!
  • Also includes the Battle of South Mountain!


Talonsoft's Antietam website

Contributed by Rebound Boy.

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