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Arx Fatalis

aka: Arx Fatalis: Return to the Underground
Moby ID: 7189

Be prepared to penetrate a world where the sun has slowly retreated and completely vanished. A world taken over by an unfriendly and threatening atmosphere, imposing the exodus of Arx inhabitants to the obscure meanders of a dwarf mine in order to survive. There, they had to become acquainted with an unusual neighborhood, among goblins, trolls and ratmen...

But the danger does not lie there. It lurks, it breathes above each and every innocent soul of the underground city of Arx. It is not a monster. It is not human. It is pure sin...

The resurrection of codes and rules as once established years ago on the surface has given rebirth to racial conflict. There is no escape since the forbidding cold on the other side of the double fortress gate of Arx is enough to dissuade the bravest of souls.

While you become familiar with this nowhere land, evil is casting its shadow upon Arx: Akbaa, the almighty god of Chaos, is determined to live on Arx. To nourish his goal, he is plotting with a priest, Iserbius, a dedicated believer whose secret cult provides the vital energy through human sacrifices and incantations essential to his coalescence with Akbaa on Arx.

Fortunately, the kingdom's astronomer discovered key elements of this secret cult and managed to alert the regency of Gods before being mysteriously slaughtered. Persecuted, you wake up in a Goblin jail in which the walls covered with dried blood are an obvious sign of little hospitality to which you don't subscribe.

You have just escaped this tormented hell when the king invites you to go and meet with the Guardian sent by the regency of Gods...

  • Arx Fatalis is the first RPG combining an intriguing story, a deep environment, a high level of interactivity, all combined in a user-friendly interface.

  • Arx Fatalis offers a number of interactions with objects and NPCs, realistic action fights, a unique real-time spell-casting system, character creation, dialogues, puzzles and exploration in an underground atmospheric world.

  • Explore real cities, underground lakes, natural caves, lava openings, lost civilizations, secret temples, crypts, city sewers, Goblin encampments, Dwarf forgeries and other mystical magic sites.

  • Wield over 20 crushingly powerful weapons while encountering hundreds of characters to befriend or murder in first-person combat.



Arx is the name of an underground urban environment where your special experience will begin, in the realm of medieval fantasy. Be prepared to penetrate a world where the sun has slowly retreated and completely vanished. A world taken over by an unfriendly and threatening atmosphere, imposing the exodus of Arx inhabitants to the obscure meanders of a dwarf mine in order to survive. There, they had to become acquainted with an unusual neighborhood, among goblins, trolls and ratmen


Dreamcatcher Web Site

DreamCatcher Games Ships Arx Fatalis on Xbox’

Critically Acclaimed RPG Set to Leave Gamers Spellbound

December 22nd, Toronto, Ontario - DreamCatcher Games has today shipped Arx Fatalis for exclusive use on the Xbox’ video game system from Microsoft.

RPGs have been extremely successful on Xbox, and this trend is certain to continue as Arx Fatalis hits stores today. The game is an intelligent first-person RPG that throws gamers into a complex fantasy underworld of trolls, goblins and charming 'Snake-women.'

Arx is the name of a medieval world gripped by evil. This menacing and eerie force has driven the world's inhabitants to the inner depths of ancient mine, where they must fight for survival. Creating weapons, solving puzzles and completing amazing quests, gamers become central to the battle in this evil world. Players will need to master a unique real-time magic system to cast more than 50 different spells based on 20 different runes to stay alive and progress.

Arx Fatalis takes full advantage of the power of Xbox’, utilizing the unique asset-caching tools for smoother play and the amazing processing power to support complex A.I. Arx Fatalis will also take advantage of Xbox's superb Dolby-Digital Surround Sound and unique hard-drive.

Arx Fatalis has a suggested retail price of $39.99 (USD) and a Mature ESRB rating.

www.arx-fatalis.com is the ultimate source of cool Arx Fatalis media, including the official trailer, an assortment of unique wallpapers, rare concept art, in-game music files and more.

About The Adventure Company

The Adventure Company, a division of DreamCatcher Interactive Inc., is a leading publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment devoted exclusively to releasing titles geared towards adventure gamers. The Adventure Company is committed to publishing games that deliver maximum value on multiple platforms including the PC, the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, GameCube®, and Xbox’. The Adventure Company is based in Toronto, Canada. (www.AdventureCompanyGames.com.)

About Arkane Studios

Arkane Studios (www.arkane-studios.com) is an independent game development studio created in 1999. The studio released its first game worldwide in 2002: Arx Fatalis PC, which was critically acclaimed and received several awards. The studio focuses on developing creative Action RPGs on PC and Consoles.

About Xbox

Xbox (http://www.xbox.com) is Microsoft's future-generation video game system that delivers the most powerful games experiences ever. Xbox empowers game artists by giving them the technology to fulfill their creative visions as never before, creating games that blur the lines between fantasy and reality. Xbox is now available in North America, Europe and Australia.


Press Release (Xbox)

The Game

Arx Fatalis is a first-person RPG which plunges the player into an amazingly complex fantasy world. Arx Fatalis combines an intelligent story with impressive medieval surroundings. The user-friendly interface allows the highest interactivity possible. Arx Fatalis creates a state of intense immersion that allows the player to feel that all his actions have a direct consequence in the Arx game world.

The goal of the game is to destroy the secret cult of Akbaa, the god of devastation and chaos, thereby preventing his return to the physical world. Should the player fail, the demon is bound to impose his reign of terror upon Arx. The player assumes the role of the potential hero, fights inside an underground fortress using wooden clubs, swords and magical items to defend himself against creatures including goblins, trolls, rat-men and other vicious opponents. However, brute force is not always the best way to succeed: The player has at his disposal the innovative new "onscreen gesture based magic system" to assist him in his progress through the game. Using the mouse, burning runes can be drawn in mid-air. A series of these gestures combine to create powerful magic spells that will protect the player or empower him to defeat his enemies and pursue his quest.

Features: * 9 different skills * 50 different magical spells * magical system based on runes * different weapons and armor * huge world with a lot of surprises * different solutions for the different adventures * many monsters and enemies


www.jowood.com - Windows

(D) Arx Fatalis

Rollenspiel - 1st Person Rollenspiel der Spitzenklasse Arx - eine Welt, in der Einsamkeit und Kälte gehalten haben, nachdem die Sonne aus dem Leben der Menschen verbannt wurde.

(E) Arx Fatalis

Role Playing Game - High-class 1st person RPG. The dark ages of Arx have forced the people down into the depths of the earth, with no possibility to escape. Akbaa the god of destruction is preparing his reincarnation.

(F) Arx Fatalis

Jeu de rôle - Un JdR à la première personne de grand qualité. Sur Arx, l'âge des ténèbres a forcé la population à se réfugier sous terre sans espoir de fruite. Akbaa, le dieu de la destruction s'apprête à se réincarner...


15 Giant Games, Vol.1 - Arx Fatalis' Case (DE/UK/FR)


Der Weg zum Licht führt durch die Dunkelheit...

Arx - eine Welt, in die Einsamkeit und Kälte Einzug gehalten haben, nachdem die Sonne aus dem Leben der Bewohner verbannt wurde. Das dunkle Zeitalter auf Arx zwang sie in die Tiefen der Erde, aus denen es kein Entkommen gibt. Akbaa, der Gott der Zerstörung, bereitet seine Wiedergeburt vor. Mit Hilfe ungezählter Menschenopfer sollen es ihm seine Jünger ermöglichen, zu alter Stärke zurückzufinden und die Herrschaft über den ganzen Planeten zu übernehmen. Die Existenz aller Lebewesen auf Arx ist in Gefahr. Nur ein mystisches Wesen hat der Sage nach die Macht, die Reinkarnation Akbaas zu verhindern und die Sonne über Arx wieder erstrahlen zu lassen...


  • Großes Spieluniversum mit unterschiedlichsten Begebenheiten, Rassen und Kulturen
  • Beklemmende Story mit vielen Handlungssträngen
  • Ausrüstung und Weiterentwicklung des Charakters
  • Einzigartiges, runenbasierendes Magiesystem
  • Zusammenhängende, dynamische Spielwelt zum Eintauchen und Verändern


Back of Box - Windows (GER)

Destroy the secret cult of Akbaa and become the hero you always wanted to be...

The world of Arx is wrought with turmoil, brought to the brink of destruction by a violent war. The sun has disappeared from overhead to shroud the world in eternal darkness forcing communities to begin inhabiting the underground mines. But as food and drink becomes scarce, the wars become even more violent as each race struggles for survival.

You are plugged into this world of terror and must use bravery and cunning to uncover the long hidden secret of Arx. As your epic quest unfolds you will explore ancient temples, bustling cities and abandoned mines, unearth legendary artefacts and face terrifying foes...

Arx Fatalis features:

Lots of quest and sub-quest to complete; innovative gesture-casting system with 50 powerful spells based upon 20 runes; wield over 20 crushingly powerful weapons; no two games are over the same: storyline and events change according to your actions; hundreds of characters to befriend or murder and massive underground world to discover and explore.


www.gog.com - Windows

Arx Fatalis is a first-person role-playing game that plunges you into an amazingly complex fantasy world of trolls, goblins, and snake-women. You become a hero as you battle in an evil world, creating weapons, solving puzzles, and completing incredible quests.



"Arx Fatalis. Последний бастион" - совместное издание фирмы "1С" и компании Nival Interactive ролевой игры от JoWood.

"Arx Fatalis. Последний бастион" - ролевая игра в стиле фэнтези, сочетающая в себе увлекательный сюжет и мрачную атмосферу средневековья.

Главному герою предстоит вступить в противостояние с последователями тайного культа Акбаа, бога опустошения и хаоса. Возвращение кровавого божества должно быть остановлено любой ценой. Однако грубая физическая сила - не всегда способ решения проблем. В вашем арсенале - огромный выбор магических заклинаний и предметов, используя которые вы сможете защитить себя и уничтожить врагов.

Особенности игры

  • Система магических заклинаний, основанная на рунах (около 50 заклинаний)
  • Большой выбор вооружения и доспехов
  • Огромный игровой мир, таящий множество опасностей и сюрпризов
  • Разные способы прохождения заданий
  • 9 различных навыков


games.1c.ru (Publisher's website)


IGN vergibt 8/10 an Arx Fatalis

"Das Verzauberungs-System (...) hat mir vermutlich den meisten Spaß bereitet, den ich mit Magie in einem Spiel seit langer Zeit gehabt habe."

RPGDot gibt Arx Fatalis eine Wertung von 91%

"Cleveres Kerker-Design, aufregende Story und herausfordernde Puzzles machen dieses Spiel zum intelligentesten Rollenspiel, das es gibt."

Über dieses Spiel

Dieses von Kritikern gefeierte Ego-Shooter-RPG schickt den Spieler auf eine fantastische Reise in die Welt von Arx. Das Spiel kombiniert eine intelligente Handlung mit mitreißender, reeller mittelalterlicher Umgebung. In Arx Fatalis merkt der Spieler, wie sich seine Handlungen direkt auf sein Umfeld auswirken.

Ziel des Spiels ist, den Geheimkult von Akbaa, den Gott der Zerstörung, zu zerschlagen. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, die Rückkehr dieser grausamen Kreatur in die Welt von Arx zu verhindern. Wenn Sie scheitern, wird der Dämon seine Schreckensherrschaft unweigerlich über Arx ausbreiten.

Sie werden zum Helden einer unterirdischen Welt. Mit Waffen, Zaubersprüchen und magischen Gegenständen wehren Sie Kobolde, Trolle, Rattenmenschen und andere bösartige Kreaturen ab.

Neben roher Gewalt kann der Spieler auch mit Taktik und dem „bildschirmbasierten System magischer Gesten“ den Sieg erringen. Schreiben Sie mit der Maus brennende Runen in die Luft. Mit einer Kombination dieser Gesten können Sie sich durch mächtige Zauber schützen oder Gegner bezwingen und Ihre Mission erfüllen.


store.steampowered.com (German)

Contributed by Xoleras, Klaster_1, formercontrib, jaXen, Starbuck the Third, Jeanne.

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