Clay Fighter

Moby ID: 8630

SNES version

Gimmicky, but fun!

The Good
The clay-mation graphics are spectacular, and the characters are funny and imaginative, with Blue Suede Goo, an Elvis impersonator, Helga, a fat opera singer, Taffy, a piece of candy, Tiny, a wrestler, The Blob, a transforming hunk of clay, Ickybod Clay, a pumpkin-headed ghost, Bonker, an insane clown and finally, Bad Mr. Frosty, the main character of the game. The stages are detailed and reflect each fighters personality.

The Bad
The animation is awful, with limbs appearing out of nowhere to whack you. Fighters like The Blob transform to attack and it can be confusing to keep up with until you're used to it.

The Bottom Line
This fun fighter can seem gimmicky at first, but it uses the same fighting controls as Street Fighter 2 so despite the weird attacks it plays pretty much the same, and there is still room for technique.

by Da Pur Insanitee (23) on February 28, 2011

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