Crazy Taxi: Catch a Ride

Moby ID: 8894


The GBA version of Crazy Taxi is a new version created to work within the constraints of the target platform's hardware, using elements from the original Crazy Taxi 1 & 2. The basic idea is to drive around a city picking up passengers and delivering them to certain destinations within a time limit. Earn money as you go - try to earn as much as possible before the time runs out! All of the original gameplay is implemented.

Pick up Crazy Taxi on GBA for a wild, hilarious cabbie-riding jaount. As a fearless cabbie with attitude you're driven by a single goal: to rack up the mega-bucks in fares and tips before your shift ends. It's a race against the clock as you pick up passengers and white-knuckle drive through the busy streets and back alleys to their various destinations. And time is your money! So get a grip on the wheel, sharpen your senses and don't lose your cool. Are you crazy enough to handle Crazy Taxi on GBA?

GAME FEATURES: - Choose from the 4 original Crazy Taxi cabbies and cars, each with their own unique style - Race across 3 cities filled with traffic and shortcuts - Master the art of cab driving with 11 challenging mini-games - Put your pedal to the metal with 5 Fare Difficulty levels - Earn extra tips by executing Crazy Manoeuvres like jumps, drifts and more!


Atari Australia website - Game Boy Advance

The famed franchise skids onto the Game Boy Advance. Created with the same attitude as the original Crazy Taxi, you are a determined driver racing to pick up and deliver as many passengers as you can.

Get your fare to his or her destination, earn extra cash by pulling fancy driving moves, and then find the next customer. If time expires before you can make the delivery, though, your fare will jump out without paying.

You choose the amount of time, the difficulty, and the amount of traffic in the game.

Nine challenging minigames will help you improve your skills. The Game Pak tracks the top three scores in each minigame.

Progress is saved to a memory chip.


Crazy Taxi: Catch a Ride comes racing onto Game Boy Advance with one wild and hilarious joy-riding jaunt. As a fearless cabbie with attitude, you're driven by a single goal: to rack up the mega-bucks in fares and tips before your shift ends. It's a race against the clock as you pick up passengers and white-knuckle it through busy streets and back alleys to their various destinations. And time is money! So get a grip on the wheel, sharpen your senses, and don't lose your cool.

FEATURES- Choose from the 4 original Crazy Taxi cabbies and cars, each with their own unique style- Race across 2 cities filled with traffic and shortcuts- Master the art of cab driving with 9 challenging mini-games- Put your pedal to the metal with 5 Fare Difficulty levels- Earn extra tips by executing Crazy Maneuvers like jumps, drifts, and more!



Crazy Taxi... un pur joyau d'arcade sur GBA

Qui ne s'est jamais retrouvé à la merci d'un chauffeur de taxi déjanté en se disant « si je m'en sors, c'est juré, plus jamais je ne remettrai les pieds dans un taxi ? »

Crazy Taxi GBA vous offre votre revanche et vous invite à prendre place derrière le volant. Le principe est ancestral : amener vos clients d'un point A à un point B en un temps record... et plus que jamais, la fin justifie les moyens ! Oubliez tout ce que vous avez vu, entendu et appris sur le code de la route où alors rendez votre licence de chauffeur sur le champ, car Crazy Taxi ne récompense pas le pilotage délicat. Optez davantage pour une conduite frénétique à dominante agressive.

Saurez-vous surprendre vos clients par vos talents de pilotes ?


  • 4 nouveaux chauffards avec leurs propres styles de conduite et véhicules.
  • 3 villes extravagantes, modélisées en 3D, avec de multiples raccourcis et un trafic aléatoire.
  • Maîtrisez l'art du pilotage grâce aux 11 mini-jeux et devenez un as du volant.
  • Parcourez 5 niveaux de difficulté pied au plancher.
  • De nombreuses nouvelles man“uvres en plus des classiques Crazy Drift, Crazy Hop et Crazy Slide
  • Un mode multijoueurs jusqu'à 4 pour encore plus de challenges.

Source: (French)

Contributed by Evil Ryu, Xoleras.

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