
Moby ID: 96432

RUINER is a brutal action shooter set in the year 2091 in the cyber metropolis Rengkok. A wired psychopath lashes out against a corrupt system to uncover the truth and retrieve his kidnapped brother under the guidance of a secretive hacker friend. Combine preternatural reflexes, augmented tools, and the arsenal of fallen foes to tear down and dismantle the corporate titans of virtuality dealers at HEAVEN.##

Sophisticated & Brutal Combat: RUINER features lightning fast combat that requires a delicate balance of overwhelming, brute force, and elegant strikes to overcome all manner of savage opponents. Blast through crowds or slow down time and hand select your points of attack before unleashing a storm of violence on the battlefield.

Cyberpunk Inspired Arsenal: Equip all manner of high-tech firearms and melee weapons to ruin all that oppose you. Employ state of the art gadgets like energy shield, dash augmentations, and the switch gun stun or hack the opposition onto your side of the fight.

Story-Driven Action: Violent confrontation is a means to an end and trust is a devalued currency in Rengkok as you navigate a senseless world with the help of a mysterious hacker friend.

Exceptional Soundtrack: Explore and battle to the intense beats of Sidewalks & Skeletons, Zamilska, Antigone & Francois X, DJ Alina and famed anime composer Susumu Hirasawa (Paprika, Millennium Actress).

Reikon is an independent studio located in Warsaw founded in 2014 by four veteran game designers whose work includes the Witcher series, Dying Light, This War of Mine and Shadow Warrior. RUINER is their debut project as a studio and has been quietly in production since January 2015.


Steam Store Description




超人的な反射神経とサイバネティック強化ツールを身につけた主人公に、次々と襲いかかってくる強敵との過酷な戦いが待ち受ける。 暴力が決め手となるこの都市で「ヴァーチャリティ」を広める巨大企業「ヘヴン社」の野望を打ち砕け!

<ゲームの特徴> ◆流麗かつ残虐なバトル  多彩なアビリティやアップグレードを駆使して戦場を支配せよ!  地下に潜むギャングやヘヴン社の傭兵、怪物めいたサイボーグ…  強敵に勝利するためには、武器を上手く使いこなすだけではなく、  敵を無力化させる驚異的なガジェットを極めることも必要となる。

◆サイバーパンクに触発された世界観  エネルギーシールドやキネティックバリア、  グリッドコンバーターなど、最新鋭のテクノロジーを使いこなせ。  反射神経や身体能力を強化して敵の攻撃を華麗にかわす以外にも、  敵をハッキングして味方につけるなど幅広いアプローチが可能。  自分なりの戦闘スタイルを生み出し、圧倒的な暴力を手に入れろ!

Source: Description

Contributed by mars_rulez, Rik Hideto.

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