North & South

aka: Les Tuniques Bleues - Nord et Sud, North & South: Wakuwaku Nanboku Sensō, North and South, North and South: Wakuwaku Nanboku Sensō
Moby ID: 6926

DOS version

Absolutely brilliant!

The Good
This game is the epitome of what made late '80s Amiga games great; take an essentially simple concept, decorate with great graphics and terrific music, throw in a bizarre twist and you've got yourself an addictive game that will last for decades. As proof I present myself - I still play this game (both PC and Amiga versions) to this day, 12 years later...

Graphics? Ya got it. Even on CGA the game looks awesome, but VGA is heartily recommended. Music? Yup - PC speaker, but still fun.

But most important: gameplay! Much ass does this game kick. Starting with the psuedo-strategic element (troop placement and movement is important, but not critical, to the game); then there's the excellent battle system -- the computer has an unfair edge? So what! It's stupid. Kick it in the nads! Add to the mix some interesting platform action when you take the train, a crazy indian that on occasion runs amock killing troops, a sailboat with reinforcements and a lightning cloud and you've got yourself one of the craziest and most addictive games ever to see the light of day on the PC.

In case you didn't get it, just play the game - it rocks!

The Bad
Nosireebob, not a thing.

The Bottom Line
A terrific game, one that'll live forever. Play it. Love it. Smoke pot.

by Tomer Gabel (4536) on July 15, 2002

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