Kurt Stangl

Moby ID: 194326

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Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl has been playing video games since November of 1972 when Pong consoles were delivered unto us. Riding the video game wave across America on cross-country family road trips, Kurt steadfastly held the front line; space invaders were vanquished, dots and ghosts were eaten, and asteroids were destroyed in massive numbers.

Fond of green monochrome screens, Kurt haunted the legendary ISCAA BBS, cavorted with pirate BBS operators and wrote a crap load of code on an Atari 800. Continuing to code dorky little games on 6502's and 1088's, Game design, programming and community building have been core activities of his life. Kurt also spent 15 years chucking dice and game mastering a complete range of pencil-and-paper RPGs along with writing a robust manuscript on the subject.

Kurt is also likely to be eaten by a grue.

After fifteen years of researching, writing and pursuing the nexus of computers, online-communities, role-playing games and cooperative storytelling Kurt became the number one community member in the Woodstock of online communities, Star Wars: Galaxies.

Taking part in this rich and intensely active communities, Kurt developed a Star Wars Galaxies fan web site, not part of any of the web services. Building the fan base of that web site to generate traffic upwards of 4 million hits a day, Kurt approached the SWG team to inquire about any openings. The rest of that relationship can be easily found on the web.

Currently, Kurt is working on an independent project, but is still open to offers and business opportunities.

Incidentally, Kurt is an accomplished Professional Project Manager with fifteen+ years of experience. Offering a rare blend of creative and operational strengths, Kurt has a proven track record of leading multi-million dollar projects through to completion in the telecommunications and construction industries (ranging from $100K to 3MM.). Kurt has also successfully managed several start-up businesses, developed professional consulting services, authored business processes of all flavors, and professionally managed the Star Wars Galaxies online community from October 2003 to April 2007.

Credited on 5 games

Star Wars: Galaxies - The Complete Online Adventures (2006, Windows) Community Relations Manager
Star Wars: Galaxies - Trials of Obi-Wan (2005, Windows) Community Relations Manager
Star Wars: Galaxies - The Total Experience (2005, Windows) Community Manager
Star Wars: Galaxies - Episode III: Rage of the Wookiees (2005, Windows) Community Manager
Star Wars: Galaxies - Jump to Lightspeed (2004, Windows) Community Managers


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