Dave Wolverton

Moby ID: 257750


Fixed / flip-screen
Victory or Defeat (1995, Windows 3.x) Special Thanks to (Idea Man)
Historical events
Battles in Time (1995, DOS) Playtesters
Point and select
Victory or Defeat (1995, Windows 3.x) Special Thanks to (Idea Man)
Sci-fi / futuristic
Battles in Time (1995, DOS) Playtesters
Strategy / tactics
Battles in Time (1995, DOS) Playtesters
Victory or Defeat (1995, Windows 3.x) Special Thanks to (Idea Man)
Battles in Time (1995, DOS) Playtesters
Victory or Defeat (1995, Windows 3.x) Special Thanks to (Idea Man)
Victory or Defeat (1995, Windows 3.x) Special Thanks to (Idea Man)
Turn-based strategy (TBS)
Victory or Defeat (1995, Windows 3.x) Special Thanks to (Idea Man)