74 results for "Theme"

GROUP: Theme: School
This group should contain games that center (in full or partially) around elementary or high-school students or locations. Player may be a student, a teacher, a bystander, a specter, or whatever. Not every game related to school should be included, for more info see the dos and don'ts below....
GROUP: Theme: Prison
Games taking place in, or relating to, prison environments. Related group(s) Escape the room games Theme: Law enforcement Theme: Mental facility / Asylum
GROUP: Theme: Circus
Games inspired by classical or modern-day circuses, with may include but not limited to: clowns, trained animals, acrobats, and a lot of really big tents! Games under this group should have the setting of a circus as a large part of the story line or gameplay consists of the player performing in...
GROUP: Theme: Alcohol
Games in which the purpose is to manufacture, serve or consume alcoholic beverages.
GROUP: Theme: Office
Games taking place in, or relating to, office environments.
GROUP: Theme: Vocaloid
Music / rhythm games that use vocaloid (singing voice synthesizer) technology for songs in the game.
GROUP: Theme: Parenting
Games that revolve around the taking care of a child by an adult, babysitting, etc... can be included in this group.
GROUP: Theme: Dieselpunk
Dieselpunk is based on the aesthetics of the interbellum period between the end of the World War I and the beginning of World War II. This sub-genre of Steampunk is sometimes named Decopunk, referring to the Art Deco art style (including its Streamline Moderne variant). The genre combines the...
GROUP: Theme: Sushi
Any game that features sushi as a significant plot or visual element. Examples include puzzle games where the game pieces are sushi, or games that involve running a sushi-specific restaurant. Any game that merely features a scene where characters eat sushi or where a sushi restaurant is only...
GROUP: Theme: Hunchbacks
Hunchbacks or Humpbacks are people who suffer from the medical condition of kyphosis. The condition causes a curving of the spine where the person inflicted appears to be in a permanent slouch for most of their body's positions. Hunchbacks were popularized largely due to the Victor Hugo book,...
GROUP: Theme: Kaiju
Games in which the player takes the role of or fights against one or more kaiju, giant fictional monsters popularized in Japanese films. Related groups Godzilla games External links Kaiju on Wikipedia
GROUP: Theme: Cheerleading
Games revolving around the activity of cheerleading.
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