10 results for "Dig-Dug"

GROUP: Dig Dug licensees
This group contains games in the Dig Dug series, as well as compilations that contained the above mentioned games. A common element found in these games is the ability to inflate the enemy monsters until they pop. Unlicensed games based on the gameplay of the original Dig Dug are in the Dig Dug...
GROUP: Dig Dug variants
Games with gameplay similar to the 1982 arcade game Dig Dug. Gameplay typically consists of moving around an underground area and trying to defeat all of the enemies there by either pumping them up with air till they pop or by crushing them by loosening a heavier object and letting it drop on...
GROUP: Dig-Dogs series
Educational games featuring the three Dig-Dogs characters introduced in Dig-Dogs: Streetbusters.
GROUP: Dylan Dog licensees
Games based on the Italian horror comic, Dylan Dog.
GROUP: Strontium Dog licensees
GROUP: Scrapyard Dog series
GROUP: Mad Dog McCree series
Conversions of the American Laser Games Western-themed fixed-rail light-gun arcade shooting games, featuring as antagonists the outlaw band of one Mad Dog McCree.
GROUP: Prairie Dog Hunt series
GROUP: My Diggy Dog series
GROUP: I Became a Dog series
A series of adventure games with a top-down view where players take control of a human who became a dog. The aim of the games is to find a way for the protagonist to turn back to their human selves. Common elements for the games of this series are bugs which are used as an in-game currency to...