9 results for "Flopper"

GROUP: House Flipper series
GROUP: Chopper series
A pair of action games developed by The Bytebusters where the player controls a helicopter.
GROUP: Flipper and Lopaka licensees
Games based on the TV animated series of the same name (starring Lopaka, the Polynesian boy, and its best friend, a dolphin named Flipper.
GROUP: American Chopper series
A series of motorcycle racing games based on the TV show American Chopper.
GROUP: Chopper Battle series
GROUP: Aircraft: MiG-23 Flogger
Games featuring the MiG-23 Flogger in a prominent role. -- from Jane's Combat Simulations: IAF - Israeli Air Force (1998) Limitations If the aircraft only appears in a game but you can't fly it, the game should not be included in this group. Only real aircraft accepted, no fictional types.
GROUP: Flower Shop series
GROUP: Christmas Shopper Simulator series
GROUP: Teddy Floppy Ear licensees
These are games that feature the Polish children's character named Miś Uszatek, called Teddy Floppy Ear in any English-speaking countries where he was found.