45 results for "Lift"

GROUP: Rift series
GROUP: Half-Life universe
Half-Life is a series of games developed by Valve, which share a common setting and recurrent gameplay elements. The main installments are predominantly linear, story-driven first-person shooters with light puzzle-solving elements, connected by an overarching storyline and a common protagonist,...
GROUP: Gift games
Cryo Interactive Entertainment's games about a short red devil.
GROUP: Half-Life fangames
GROUP: Still Life series
Adventure games starring detectives of MacPherson family - private detective Gustav and his granddaughter, FBI agent Victoria.
GROUP: Life Is Strange series
A series of episodic graphic adventure video games. Main Series Life Is Strange Life Is Strange: Before the Storm The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit Life Is Strange 2 Life Is Strange: True Colors Awards The Dragon Awards 2019 – Best Science Fiction or Fantasy PC / Console Game – Nominated...
GROUP: Genre: Simulation - Human life
This groups includes games that attempt to simulate human life. The amount of features and themes handled by the simulation may vary from game to game, but the basic requirement is that the main focus of the simulation is life of one or more human beings.
GROUP: Game of Life versions
Various implementations of John Horton Conway's mathematical cellular automata simulation the Game of Life (and not the Milton-Bradley board game of the same name.) John Horton Conway's inspirations for this game included John Von Neumann's notion of self-replicating machines and John Leech's...
GROUP: Our Life series
GROUP: Youtubers Life series
GROUP: Joy Life series
GROUP: Left 4 Dead series
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