3 results for "MegaTech"

GROUP: Metaltech / Tribes universe
This group includes all games set in the fictional futuristic universe shared, among others, by Earthsiege, Starsiege, and Tribes games. The first game set in this universe was Metaltech: Earthsiege (1994). The games set in this universe belong to different genres, most prominently battlemech...
GROUP: Metaltech / Earthsiege series
Metaltech / EarthSiege is a series of mech simulation games, the foundation of a larger fictional universe also featuring strategy and first-person shooter titles. Only the first games in the mech series featured the Metaltech name, possibly due to similarities to FASA's BattleTech. Besides the...
GROUP: Megami Tensei / Megaten universe
Megaten (abbreviation of Megami Tensei, 女神転生, meaning "Goddess Reincarnation") encompasses all games that feature themes, characters, and gameplay elements first introduced in Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei. With a few exceptions, these games belong to the role-playing genre. This includes...