2 results for "Midway Games Inc"

COMPANY: Midway Games, Inc.
AKA: WMS Games, Inc., Midway Manufacturing Company, Midway Games, Inc.
Midway Games Inc. was a developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software, for a wide range of platforms. It is especially known for the Mortal Kombat franchise. Based with a corporate office in Chicago, Illinois, the company had many worldwide divisions and subsidiaries. Its west...
80 games documented, including Quake.
COMPANY: Midway Games West, Inc.
AKA: AT Games Inc., Atari Games Corporation, Midway Games West, Inc.
AT Games Inc. was founded on January 10, 1985 as a subsidiary of Namco America Inc. for the purpose of acquiring the coin-op assets of Atari Games Inc. from Warner Communications Inc. The acquisition was completed by February 4 of that year, with Warner acquiring a minority stake of the new...
79 games documented, including Tetris.