2 results for "Nortec"

COMPANY: Nortec Multimedia A.E.
Nortec Multimedia A.E. was established in 1997. Its activities are imports and sells computer programmes, focusing particularly on software for video games. The company was the official and exclusive representative of Nintendo in Greece and Cyprus (as of 1997), and the Balkans (as of 2002), and...
125 games documented, including Super Mario Galaxy.
COMPANY: Nortec Eurasia A.Åž.
Nortec Eurasia was Nintendo's official distributor in Turkey from 2005 to 2012. In 2012 the company ended commercial operation, leaving the country without any official Nintendo releases for 6 years until CD Media began distributing in the region in 2018.
8 games documented, including Metroid Prime Trilogy.