3 results for "Pong variant"

GROUP: Pong variants
Games based on Pong, involving a ball and two paddles. Limitations Games simulating the air hockey sport, which has similarities to Pong, are not included in this group. This group does not include Breakout games, as those have their own group. Related links Game group: Genre: Sports - Air...
GROUP: Pang variants
Games that feature the gameplay of Pang, first exhibited in the game Cannon Ball by Hudson. The player(s) need to eliminate bouncing bubbles by splitting them in half until they disappear, while at the same time avoiding getting hit by them.
GROUP: Donkey Kong variants
Games that were inspired by the design principles of Donkey Kong. These games typically feature climbing up platforms that are connected by ladders. These games also typically have an enemy at the top of the platforms throwing down obstacles for the player to navigate through.