2 results for "PopCap Games"

COMPANY: PopCap Games, Inc.
The PopCap story begins in the snowy wastes of northern Alberta, Canada, where Jason Kapalka grew to manhood, fighting polar bears and wild moose for survival. He would amuse friends and family around the tribal campfire with tall tales and simple games, such as "Pin the Tail on the Muskrat."...
110 games documented, including Plants vs. Zombies.
COMPANY: PopCap Games International, Ltd.
PopCap Games International (also known as PopCap International) was an European division of PopCap Games, Inc. and it was based in Dublin, Ireland. The company was founded in 2006 and is involved with product localization, mobile games development, marketing, sales and business development. On...
7 games documented, including Plants vs. Zombies.