11 results for "SoftEgg"

COMPANY: Softegg Enterprises
Founded in 1994 SoftEgg Enterprises began as a producer of game software for videogames and home PCs for sale in the retail market. Later the company repurposed to provide localization services and tools for game software creation. Today they are primarily a service oriented company, providing...
3 games documented, including 007: From Russia with Love.
COMPANY: Softeam
2 games documented, including Pulsator.
3 games documented, including Demigod.
1 game documented: Cosmology of Kyoto.
COMPANY: Softel Distribuzione
5 games documented, including Lords of Doom.
COMPANY: Softedge Software
1 game documented: Air Rallye.
COMPANY: Softek International Ltd.
26 games documented, including Starblitz.
COMPANY: Pacific Softech Inc.
2 games documented, including 221 B Baker St..
COMPANY: Nihon Softec
1 game documented: Usagi na Panic.
COMPANY: Access Softek, Inc.
4 games documented, including MLB 08: The Show.
COMPANY: Softek International Inc.
2 games documented, including Postal Plus.