3 results for "UBISoft"

GROUP: Ubisoft eXclusive releases
Games which were released under the "Ubisoft eXclusive" budget label (known as "Ubisoft eXclusive Collection" in France). Note that not all IPs listed here were necessarily owned by Ubisoft at the time, as they merely had re-release rights, such as IPs held by Microsoft Game Studios.
GROUP: Ubisoft Connect / Ubisoft Club / Uplay supported games
Ubisoft games that support the Ubisoft Connect service (previously Ubisoft Club and Uplay). This service gives specific achievements or trophies in supported games a point value, called "Units". Units can be spent in the service to unlock new in-game features, such as upgrades, enhancements or...
GROUP: 3D Engine: Ubisoft Anvil
Games using a version of the Ubisoft Anvil engine (original or modified) by Ubisoft Divertissements Inc. It is the successor to the AnvilNext 2.0, AnvilNext, Anvil and the Scimitar engine. Related links* Wikipedia: Ubisoft Anvil (article in the open encyclopedia)