🤔 How many games has Beethoven been credited on? (answer)

5 results for "Xonox Double Ender Artillery Duel/Chuck Norris Superkicks" [ filter for 'Xonox Double Ender Artillery Duel/Chuck Norris Superkicks' in game browser ]

game cover GAME: Xonox Double-Ender: Artillery Duel and Chuck Norris Superkicks (1983)
Atari 2600 (1983), VIC-20 (1983), ColecoVision (1983)
GAME: Xonox Double Ender: Chuck Norris Superkicks and Spike's Peak (1983)
Atari 2600 (1983)
GAME: Xonox Double Ender: Chuck Norris Superkicks and Ghost Manor (1984)
Atari 2600 (1984)
game cover GAME: Senran Kagura: Estival Versus x Dead or Alive: Xtreme 3 - Senran Kagura 2nd Collaboration: Swimsuit (Nyotengu) (February 23, 2017)
PlayStation 4 (2017), PS Vita (2017)
game cover GAME: Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends - Complete Edition: New Stage & Animal Pack (August 20, 2014)
Windows (2014)