156 results for "cars"

GROUP: Cars licensees
Games based on the Pixar movie series that started in 2006 with the film Cars.
GROUP: Smash Cars / RC Cars series
GROUP: Project Cars series
GROUP: Adventure Time: Card Wars series
GROUP: Crazy Cars series
GROUP: Animals: Cats
Comprises games that introduce cats as protagonists or major plot-related characters, simulate aspects of their lives, or otherwise feature cats as an integral part of content, gameplay, or design. Larger cats such as tigers, lions, lynxes, and other representatives of the felidae family are...
GROUP: Super Cars series
GROUP: Setting: Mars
Games that are set, partially or entirely, on Mars, the 4th planet of the solar system. Mars has long been a common theme for science fiction literature, movies, and games. This is in part due to the wide-spread theory that assumes there are life forms on Mars, more recently due to the...
GROUP: Tiny Cars series
GROUP: Toy Cars series
GROUP: Sprint Cars series
GROUP: Star Wars: The Clone Wars games
Games that happen during the Star Wars: Clone Wars-era of the series. The Clone Wars begin during the Separatist Crisis when thousands of star systems seceded from the Galactic Republic to form the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS). The Clone Wars end shortly after the Great Jedi Purge,...
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