10,000 results for "noita"

game cover GAME: Noita (September 24, 2019)
Windows (2019)
PERSON: Norita
Credited on Otome Domain. (NSFW)
Credited on 64 Ōzumō 2.
Credited on I × SHE Tell. (NSFW)
developer photo PERSON: Steve Woita (AKA: Steven Woita)
Credited on 16 games, including Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
After getting out of college Steve went to work at Apple and worked there from 1980-82. It is there where he learned how to move graphics around from Bill Budge, Andy Hertzfeld and Keithen Hayenga. While at Apple, Bill Budge asked Steve if it was possible to hook two Atari-style controllers to...
PERSON: Katsuya Norita
Credited on 39 games, including Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth.
PERSON: Takahiro Nogita
Credited on 15 games, including World of Horror.
PERSON: Aleksandar Novta
Credited on 16 games, including Tom Clancy's The Division 2.
PERSON: Adriana Aneta Nita (AKA: Adriana Nita)
Credited on 15 games, including Crysis 2.
PERSON: Sachiko Oita (AKA: Oita)
Credited on 7 games, including Super Adventure Island II.
COMPANY: Nokta Games
1 game documented: Supermarket Simulator.
PERSON: Robert Marian Nita (AKA: Robert Nita)
Credited on 13 games, including Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.
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