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Shining the Holy Ark (SEGA Saturn)

By pluke on November 26, 2002

Resident Evil (SEGA Saturn)

Best 32 bit version.

The Good
This is supposed to be a better version than the playstation equivalent. It was released after and had extra feature likes new outfits and things to unlock. The tension is immense. Never have I felt so taken in by a game. You are always wondering what is around the next corner and desperately trying to survive as your measly ammunition supply soon becomes critical, dogs jumping out on you, blood and gore, some amazing cutscenes, the best storyline I have ever witnessed in a game and the suspense. Prerendered back drops give some very nice graphics and the sound is creepy

The Bad
The acting is non existant. I couldn't voice act worse if I tried. The game could have been longer, and you'll be wanting to conserve those ink ribbons as your saves soon run out.

The Bottom Line
The best version bar the new GC one, essential to see how the genre started out essential for any Saturn owner

By pluke on November 26, 2002

Saturn Bomberman (SEGA Saturn)

One of the best multiplayer games ever.

The Good
This is the best bomberman conversion released so far. There is no doubting this, a single player mode so rich in graphical and gameplay detail. You get to shoot cannons, with amazing bosses. Sure the storyline isn't up to much but the game is superb, and 2 player co op as well. It has a time challenge mode where you strife to beat past times and scores, and you get rated virtua fighter 2 style. But the best part is the multiplayer. Sure it was online in its NTSC version, but thats not the point. The best part is taking it round your friends with a couple of multitaps and playing up to 10 player bomb fests, full of minigames, interactive levels (football anyone?), a large variety of characters and the ability to store your players stats over several games so everyone knows who killed everyone else, just so you can rub it in. Truely an amazing feat not yet surpassed on the multiplayer front, i would rate death tanks zwei the same but nothing beats it. You can play people thousands of miles away but its more fun to be able to shout in their faces, close and personal.

The Bad
Not being able to save your stats permanently like in death tanks. Not enough multiplayer levels, or large enough variety of mini games. More co operative stuff needed like in time attack. I'm just picking at very small things really.

The Bottom Line
Thinking of splashing out buying a bomberman game or another multiplayer game? Don't. Get yourself a Saturn, a multitap or 2 and a whole load of controllers. Find some friends and relive the 2d prowess of the mighty Saturn. It may even cost less than a new game.

By pluke on November 26, 2002

Virtua Cop (SEGA Saturn)

By pluke on November 26, 2002

Quake (SEGA Saturn)

amazing achievement

The Good
They said this game could never be done on the Saturn but were thankfully proven wrong, though most of these games on the Saturn were plagued by terrible control systems, Quake, through a code, allowed you to use the analogue pad on the 3D nights controller Turok style and was an enjoyable experience, sadly lacking in the multiplayer game (PAL definitely) it was never the less a great achievement.

The Bad
The Saturn's inability to have many monsters on the screen at once, the details were turned down for this version. Lack of multiplayer

The Bottom Line
See the Saturn at its technical peak, but you can find better quake versions elsewhere, nothing compares to the PC.

By pluke on November 26, 2002

Duke Nukem 3D (SEGA Saturn)

Buy this game but don't play it

The Good
I never really touched on the Duke 3D, i found the graphics a poor relation to the pc and n64 counterparts, but was happy to see it make the saturn intact with all tongue in cheek parts there. On the other hand, this is one of the greatest games ever, just save a game of quake onto your memory pack and load up duke nukem, da dah, you now have the option to play death tanks. The greatest multiplayer game i have ever played. 7 player real time worms is the best discription, utterly addictive and it keeps your best scores so you can tally them up. If you haven't played this you must, i bought duke just to play this.

The Bad
Duke and its lack of multiplayer, terrible graphics and control system (PAL version)

The Bottom Line
Get this now, just for death tanks, oh and remember the multi tap

By pluke on November 25, 2002

Eighteen Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (Dreamcast)

By pluke on November 25, 2002

Crazy Taxi 2 (Dreamcast)

By pluke on July 15, 2002

Diddy Kong Racing (Nintendo 64)

By pluke on May 12, 2002

F-Zero X (Nintendo 64)

By pluke on May 12, 2002

GoldenEye 007 (Nintendo 64)

By pluke on May 12, 2002

Star Fox 64 (Nintendo 64)

By pluke on May 12, 2002

Pilotwings 64 (Nintendo 64)

By pluke on May 12, 2002

The New Tetris (Nintendo 64)

By pluke on May 12, 2002

Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)

By pluke on May 12, 2002

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64)

By pluke on May 12, 2002

Mario Party (Nintendo 64)

By pluke on May 12, 2002

Donkey Kong 64 (Nintendo 64)

By pluke on May 12, 2002

Banjo-Kazooie (Nintendo 64)

By pluke on May 12, 2002

Conquered Kingdoms (DOS)

By pluke on May 11, 2002

Blast Corps (Nintendo 64)

By pluke on April 2, 2002

Balloon Kid (Game Boy)

By pluke on April 2, 2002

Advance Wars (Game Boy Advance)

By pluke on April 2, 2002

Star Wars: X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter (Windows)

By pluke on January 25, 2002

Dungeon Keeper (Windows)

By pluke on January 25, 2002

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