Contributions > Descriptions by Nekto (16)

Nekto has contributed 1 descriptions to the database.

Added description to Trapped · July 28, 2009

Tarnak has finally been defeated and the curse of the demon has been lifted, saving the population of Kaldrion. Centuries have passed and the land of Kaldrion has become prosperous. But the ancient scrolls say that the evil one will rise again and the only way to stop him is to collect the twelve divine symbols that form Talmar's Wheel. This will ban Tarnak in his own world. It's now up to the player to go to the catacombs of the gods and find the symbols before Tarnak rises from his coffin.

Trapped is a first person role playing game similar to Ultima Underworld. There are four characters to choose from: Dwarf, Knight, Hunter and Fighter. Some characters are better with certain weapons than with others. Throughout the catacombs the player will pick up items that he comes across such as new weapons and potions that improves health, armour, strength and speed of movement. Spells can help the player along the way, for example a spell called Magic Map can be used to show where everything is. The mazes are complex and interconnected with stairs and teleports making each level massive in size and filled with all sorts of enemy.