Contributions > Descriptions by Laura Lantz (9)

Laura Lantz has contributed 1 descriptions to the database.

Added description to Puzzle Clubhouse: Episode 0 - Laz0r Frogs · September 5, 2012

After being chased through Puzzle Clubhouse by a horde of frogs with lasers strapped to their backs, Uncle Cornelius and Jasper end up trapped in the Forbidden Maze of Welcoming... with the lazor frogs hot on their heels! The player has to help them escape.

Laz0r Frogs is the test episode for Puzzle Clubhouse, a series of crowd-designed episodes. Each Puzzle Clubhouse episode is a combination of an animated story and a short, quirky game, created with short turnaround and involving the community as much as possible in its creation. Episode 0 was a test to see how quickly the development team could produce an episode with story and gameplay centered around ideas from the community. Community members contributed the game concept and core mechanics through comments on the PCH development blog, and the dev team solicited additional story and prop ideas over the course of the game's six-week development.

The game consists of an animated movie with a game near the end. Gameplay combines puzzle and twitch aspects, with the player making their way through a labyrinth of mazes filled with frogs. The frogs have lasers attached to their heads and will blast or zap the player on sight. With good timing, the player can slip past frogs, or use hats scattered around the maze to cover the frogs' deadly lasers and make it through to the center of the maze. Optionally, the game can be skipped and then the rest of the movie is played.