Contributions > Descriptions by Čeněk Svoboda (36)

Čeněk Svoboda has contributed 3 descriptions to the database.

Added description to MNUM2 · October 19, 2018

MNUM 2 is the sequel to the logic puzzle game MNUM in which the player has to create and move number so they connect. The basic movement and rules still apply to this version.

Added description to MNUM · April 21, 2016

The basic goal of the game is to move numbers so they connect. Numbers have to connect in basic directions (top, bottom, left, right). If the number is 2, 2 numbers 2 have to be next to each one. If it's 3, 3 numbers 3 have to be next to each one. Click on a number that's around the board so it moves to the furthest free space.

Added description to DoubleTheSnake · May 2, 2014

DoubleTheSnake is a two-player Snake game implemented in JavaScript using MOOPH module. Two players each control a snake, red and blue, on a single screen using the same keyboard. The goal is to grow the snake by eating the white dot first that appears on a random location on the screen. The game keeps track of the number of food (white dots) and crashes per player.