Contributions > Descriptions by Game Fan (23)

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Added description to Might & Magic: Heroes Online · December 7, 2016

Might & Magic Heroes Online is a free-to-play strategy RPG game in which players control Heroes and their armies as they do battle throughout the fantasy world of Ashan. Player can select to join one of the two factions, Haven and Necropolis, which are both taken from the Might & Magic lore. From that point on they will play through an extensive campaign, starting from the perspective of the faction they joined. Over the course of both story lines, players travel through various new locations like Blackbough, Namtaru's Claws, Nar-Heresh and the Lightlands, to ultimately join forces with the opposite faction and overcome a greater evil.

Gameplay-wise the game offers a mix of old and new Might & Magic Heroes mechanics: The turn-based world navigation of previous games is gone, instead players travel through the game world in real time, similar to typical RPGs. The world itself is inhabited by many NPCs, who often offer players quests and take leading roles in the game's story line. To defend themselves, players travel with a small army of creatures, which can be recruited from outposts and cities. Battles take place in a traditional turn-based way, bringing back the much-loved hex field from Heroes of Might & Magic III, and pitching player units against enemy forces on different kinds of battle fields with varying layouts and obstacles to overcome.

Cities are also a prominent aspect of the game. While traveling the world, players find spots in each major area where they can build up their own city to provide them with new creatures and gameplay mechanics. Buildings can also be extended to make certain player armies stronger, allowing them to build and improve their custom armies to their taste and needs.

As the game is an online browser title, it also offers a large amount of multiplayer features, which are all available from the start on and last until the endgame content. This way players can team up anytime and play through they campaign together, including cooperative gameplay in any of the game's many battles, or even fight each other to put their skills and armies to the test. Later on a guild feature allows players to organize themselves and participate in extensive guild quests and activities, many of which were added by the developers long after release.

Due to the game's free-to-play nature there is also the typical online shop, where players can buy in-game currency, items to heal units, customize their heroes or speed up certain processes like building extensions for their towns for real money. It should be noted though that this is no pay-to-win thing: The entire game can also be played without spending a single dime, albeit at a slightly slower speed.