Contributions > Descriptions by Gamera (230)

Gamera has contributed 3 descriptions to the database.

Added description to Power Dolls · November 7, 2005

In the year 2535 the planet Omni declared independence from Earth. This decision was met by harsh repressions carried out by the Terran government. In response, Omni scientists managed to convert a device known as Power Loader (PLD) into combat mechas. Five years later, the 177th squadron was formed, consisting of an all-female team named DoLLS (Detachment of Limited Line Service).

Power Dolls is a turn-based strategy game in which the player takes role of a commander of an all-female military group manning giant mechanized battlesuits in a series of nine missions, with objectives ranging from destroying convoys to stalling enemy advance to rescuing captured military personnel.

Squads for each mission can be assembled from a total of twenty-one pilots, seven variants of mechanized battle armor (which can be armed with sixteen types of weaponry), four types of aircraft ranging from transport carriers to fighter-bombers and artillery units.

Several different battle plans can be chosen for most of the missions. The differences between these may range anywhere from a slight change of the deployment time up to and including a complete change of mission strategy.

Successfully completing a mission unlocks bonus piece of artwork depicting one of the women piloting the mechs ingame. There are nine of these graphics in total, one for each mission.

Added description to Sherman M4 · August 26, 2004

Sherman M4 is a 3D tank simulator. It is set in World War II and includes 3 campaigns: Normandy, Ardennes and Desert. You have up to four M4s, two jeeps and artillery support to complete each mission. The Germans have four different kinds of tanks, bunkers etc. Objectives include destroying bridges, capturing towns, rescuing jeeps and destroying convoys. You can drive one tank at a time and give the others movement orders on a map. They will automatically attack enemies they encounter. The map is also used for moving jeeps and calling artillery strikes. Your tanks can be repaired, refueled and rearmed if you capture hangers in some missions. Before each mission you can alter several realism options as well as the enemy moral, experience and commander.

Added description to Xenomorph · August 25, 2004

You have landed your crippled ship at the Atargis mining station. The platform was deserted and no one answered your radio calls. Now you are forced to enter the station and find a way to get off the asteroid. Hopefully whatever happened to the 200 personnel in the labyrinth of mines under the station won't happen to you too.

Xenomorph is a first person RPG. Like in the Dungeon Master series, everything happens in real time. You move around in 10 foot steps and can turn 90 degrees. You have two hands to fight and use items with, a belt and holster for quick access to weapons as well as an inventory for carrying things.

The objective of the game is to find parts to repair your ship. You must also find food and water for sustenance and guns, grenades and mines for self defense. Other items can help you during your mission such as environmental suits, security passes and a motion detector. Data disks found throughout the station will fill in the story.