Contributions > Descriptions by FidoDido (33)

FidoDido has contributed 3 descriptions to the database.

Added description to Skull Fang · January 24, 2021

Skull Fang is a vertical shoot'em up and the third entry in the Kuuga series. It takes place 40 years after the events of the previous installment, Wolf Fang. Players control one of four different fighter jets in a mission to destroy the Ragnarok terrorist organization, which plots to take over the world using its army of mechs. Power-ups can be collected by destroying certain enemy types, including laser cannons, homing missiles, machine guns, and spread shots. Players can also pick up a weapon attachment known as an S-Unit, which can be fired towards enemies as a homing attack and can be detonated to help clear out enemy formations. Stages conclude in a boss that must be defeated; in these fights, bosses will often leave the screen and players can use a mechanic named Skyeyes to see how far the boss is from them.

Added description to Famista 64 · October 30, 2019

Famista 64 is part of Namco's long-running Family Stadium franchise. Akin to other games in the series, Famista 64 features cutesy character designs and a more simplistic gameplay premise.

Added description to NebulasRay · October 5, 2019

A vertical-scrolling shooter released by Namco worldwide in 1994. Controlling the Fighting Ray starships (red for 1P and blue for 2P), gameplay involves shooting down enemies and avoiding both them and their projectiles across six different stages, known as "areas" in-game. Destroying large cylindrical enemies named "Capsules" will drop a power-up item that will upgrade the player's abilities and give them access to special weapons. Some weapons are permanent until death, while others have a time limit that will revoke the item when it reaches zero. Each stage has a boss that must be defeated, having a weak spot that must be shot to destroy it. After completing all six stages, a seventh "Challenging Area" will begin, a repeat of the first area with much faster enemies and lighting-quick projectiles.