Contributions > Descriptions by varmint (30)

varmint has contributed 1 descriptions to the database.

Added description to KrabbitWorld Labyrinth · June 14, 2006

It’s twilight in this dark and troubled time of KrabbitWorld’s past. The great, bumbling, old wizard Fivinus’ dampening field has been breached. Many forms of the vile and evil Necrotech have overrun Karrellica, the floating Isle above KrabbitWorld. Plundered Port Kindarel lies in smoky ruin. Townspeople and shopkeepers lie collapsed and injured.

Two heroes, Kria Krabbit, Guardian and protector and Krei, loyal friend and High Bard must forge through the menace to rescue lost Krabbits and restore Port Kindarel. Teella, villain by circumstance, masquerading in a most convincing disguise, fights the menace as well. Is she really an ally or does she have her own agenda?

KrabbitWorld Labyrinth is a 3D third-person action game with RPG-style character-building. The player can specialize in magic or fighting or a combination of both. The heroes can grow in size and in height as the player builds their strength and dexterity. Magical scribes can be used to enhance skills and powers. Charged jumps are often needed to reach otherwise impossible platforms. The player can also smash and break barrels, crates and drink dispensers for treasure drops or use their explosions to damage the enemy.

A two-player cooperative mode is available in addition to the regular single-player gameplay.