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LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game

aka: LEGO Star Wars: Das Videospiel, LEGO Star Wars: El Videojuego, LEGO Star Wars: Il Videogioco, LEGO Star Wars: Le Jeu Video
Moby ID: 17131
Windows Specs
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LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game allows players to relive the events of the Star Wars prequel movie trilogy (Episodes I, II and III) in LEGO form. Players take control of over thirty characters to play through key moments from The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. The storyline includes most of the important events in the movies, omitting or adding a few sequences. The presentation of these events, however, is humorous, with all the characters and environments made out of LEGO bricks. Objects would often break apart like physical LEGO bricks, characters have comical expressions, and all dialogue from corresponding events from the movies is replaced by gestures.

The basic gameplay is action with platforming and light puzzle-solving elements. Players navigate two or more characters through stages, each representing a chapter in a movie. These chapters must be unlocked in a plot-dictated order, eventually completing the entire movie. Characters use different weapons (blasters, lightsabers, crossbows, etc.), and each character type also possesses specific abilities. For example, Jedi can use the force to lift, combine, and destroy objects; robots can unlock encrypted doors; other characters may use a grappling hook to access higher platforms, etc. Some of these abilities overlap (i.e. a problem can be solved in more than one way), though often a specific type of character is required to deal with the situation. In the single-player mode, one player can switch between the available characters; in the co-op mode, two players navigate at least two different characters.

A few levels involve players piloting aircraft, fighting hostile vehicles, overcoming obstacles or destroying targets on the ground. The Free Mode allows players to access previously visited stages with any characters they have unlocked. This may lead to a discovery of previously inaccessible areas. Various collectible items and LEGO studs (which serve as currency) can be gathered during exploration. Characters cannot permanently die in the game; when a character is killed, he or she only loses collected LEGO studs.


  • 乐高星球大战 - Chinese spelling (simplified)

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178 People (110 developers, 68 thanks) · View all



Average score: 78% (based on 49 ratings)


Average score: 3.9 out of 5 (based on 98 ratings with 4 reviews)

The Force Is Strong With This One....

The Good
For starters, it actually succeeds in making Episode I interesting, which is no small feat in itself. Lego Star Wars takes the best elements from Episodes I, II, and the upcoming III, and puts it into a fantastic game that anyone can enjoy.

What remains impressive about the title is how utterly fun it is. It focuses on the two elements that make Star Wars great: Space battles and lightsaber fights. And it actually has intelligent puzzles using a combo of the Force and building with Legos. There is a scene in Theed Palace that requires Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Anakin, Padme, R2-D2, and Panaka, and each one is used effectively throughout the level. The same can be said for all the areas. The game offers a lot of smart level design.

The shooting and racing elements are fun, and aren't sacrificed in quality for the adventure levels, which is so common for multi-genre games. There were elements in the Pod Race that I wished had made it to the old "Racer" game a few years back. The Clone Wars shooting elements, and the opening of Episode III are equally as well done, closely resembling classic arcade shooters or even StarFox.

The graphics are gorgeous. One look at the backgrounds in Episode III, and you'll believe that without question. The lighting effects from blaster fire and lightsaber blades are impressive, as are the animations of the characters. They act like they are supposed to, even if there are so many characters to choose from.

Among the graphics and music and gameplay, the amount of usefulness in the numerous characters is impressive. Everyone has a useful ability, from lightweights such as C-3PO and Jar Jar Binks, to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jango Fett. It's fun racing through the game collecting characters to see what areas can be opened next with their abilities. This pushes up the replay value immensely without becoming tedious.

Even though the game is skewed to a slightly younger audience, it still provides some challenging moments without being frustrating. The game also adds a lot of humor to the story, but it doesn't detract. It's more of a loving homage than anything, as you build and destroy the levels with your abilities. There is a lot to do and find in this game, and a ton of secrets and replay value.

The Bad
The game does have its moments of annoying camera angles, which can result in running off a ledge or getting momentarily lost (they do provide a cursor when too far out of range).

The game also has the disadvantage of being out before Episode III, so there are a few plot spoilers in here, but in its early release, none of the new music from the film is included in those levels. The original Episode IV music is used, and as good as it remains, I would have liked to have heard the new music compliment the Episode III levels.

And while it looks deceptively innocent, there are a few levels where enemies will absolutely swarm you in certain areas. "Freeplay" makes it easier, but playing with the required story characters makes it pretty tough to find all of the hidden items.

The Bottom Line
It's been a while since I have played such a fun Star Wars game. Don't let the Lego license fool you: This is Star Wars gameplay at its finest, and captures the feel of the movies quite well, with a few humorous touches.

There is a lot to see and do, with multiple modes of gameplay, and a two-player mode. Finding and using all of the characters is a lot of fun, as well as useful, and building the mini-kits become and obsessive task. This game is basically dipping into the toy box to play with a lot of digital action figures and playsets, and it works on so many levels. It's fun and entertaining enough for kids, yet there's enough of a challenge for older gamers, and certainly more than enough for Star Wars fanatics. As far as movie to game conversions go, this one actually feels like the movies it's based on.

If Lucasarts and Traveller's Tales are smart, they're already working on a sequel to this, focusing on the original Trilogy.

More fun than a shaven Wookiee.

PlayStation 2 · by Guy Chapman (1748) · 2005

Lego + Star Wars = Great Game for kids; bad game for grownups

The Good
Graphics are cool; game is basic and easy to play. All of the violence is against Lego people/robots/things so it’s ok for most kids. It’s Star Wars, and has most of the major characters and action sequences from Episodes 1-3. The cinematic sequences are really funny (the Lego Dooku stuff is priceless.) After completing a level you can re-play it in “free play” mode, which allows you to switch characters on the fly during play.

The Bad
I have a number of complaints about this game.

1) Poor level design – None of the levels are any fun to play, which really stinks since you will have to play through each of them more than once to unlock the additional characters and bonus stage. They have some pretty good material to draw from so these levels shouldn’t stink and since the “Free Play” mode is a big feature of this game it’s really a shame that the levels are so bad. You will spend time and energy collecting studs to unlock characters to play with in Free Play, and after all is said and done you won’t be able to find a level you’ll want to play thorough again. Granted, a few of the levels are ok (I still like the Episode 3 space battle) but 2 of 17 just doesn’t cut it. Another gripe about the level design is the lack of connection between the areas in the game and the scenes in the movies. Most of the levels only have a passing resemblance to the sequences they represent, and levels are padded out with lame platforming elements and simple puzzles that are just not fun.

2) Mediocre gameplay mechanic –The basic mechanic of the game is too simple. It is geared towards kids so there is not much too it. Puzzles are all very simple, combat is childish (every character with a light saber shares the same two combos.) You have tons of characters available, few actually differ in play, all jedis are interchangeable, as are all sith, or anyone with a blaster, or any of the kids or...

3)Pointless Collecting – You can collect pieces of spaceships that, when completed, serve no purpose. You cannot use them; they sit in a parking lot outside of the diner. Yippee!!

4) Abuse of the Star Wars license – Lame Star Wars games bug me; there have been a lot of really bad titles in the history of the franchise (Super Star Wars anyone….) but there have been a ton of great ones too (especially on the PC.) Usually, the ones that suck tend to have a “take the money and run” kind of feel, and I get that vibe from this game. Certain parts seem abridged, Episodes 2 & 3 are both pretty incomplete and there is little to distinguish each character. In all it feels like it was finished a little early, and coincidentally, it was released in time to capitalize on the pre Episode III hype…

5) Short Short Short – Seriously, if you are a decent gamer, it’ll take you less than 8 hours to beat every level, unlock most of the characters and collect a majority of the Lego ships. This is pretty lame, especially when you consider that there were some important action sequences that were in the movies, but were left out of the game. I mean, why doesn’t Episode 2 have a “Assination attempt on Padme” or “Pursue the Fetts through the asteroid field” level. These were major sequences, why leave them out?

The Bottom Line
If you’re an adult, rent, do not buy. Even if you are a Star Wars fanatic, you will probably not find enough replay value to warrant a purchase of this title, even at the Greatest Hits price. If you have kids, then this is a different story; they will like it, and it will take them a while to get through the game, so it may warrant a purchase.

PlayStation 2 · by Edward Beezy (27) · 2006

Lego Time in a galaxy far, far away…

The Good
Lego Star Wars begins in Dexter’s Diner (from Episode II) with Obi Wan and Qui-Gon. As a single player game, the player controls one character and the computer controls the other. The player can jump between characters with the touch of a button and Player Two can join in (and opt out) at any time. Dexter’s Diner has very little to play with (i.e. destroy), but a lot to use the Force on. When a Jedi is facing something that is Force-sensitive it glows. Pressing the Force power button interacts with that object: turning on Dexter’s jukebox, shaking booths, overturning seats—leading up to the infamous Force push during actual game play.

Dexter’s Diner is the game’s hub-world. Players can enter the Episode I, II, or III levels; purchase new characters, codes, or bonus items; or wander outside and see other playable characters and Lego kits unlocked during game play. As more characters become available, Dexter’s Diner takes on a sandbox quality: good and evil characters chase each other around, killing each other, and respawning.

Each of the Episodes has a story mode and a free play mode. The story mode takes you chronologically through the movies. Episode I is most developed, beginning with Obi Wan and Qui-Gon’s mission on Naboo. After an abbreviated crawl (which precede each of the game’s seventeen levels) and Lego cinematic, the Jedi Knights are aboard the Trade Federation ship and are soon taking down Battle Droids.

From the very beginning, Lego Star Wars has great graphics and pretty good controls. At first it’s all about the lightsaber, which can be used to chop up droids, deflect blaster bolts, and destroy some of the surroundings. Later characters have blasters with a useful auto-targeting feature and grapples. Other characters, like R2-D2 and C-3PO, are more useful for opening computer-sealed doors than anything else.

The player-controlled character has four hearts in their health bar which are replenished when enemies drop health power-ups. Enemies, destructible objects, and Force-sensitive objects also rain down Lego pips (unfortunately called studs). Studs are the currency of Lego Star Wars, used in Dexter’s Diner to buy characters, cheats, or character modifications. Collecting studs (groan) during a level powers up a Force bar which, when filled, earns the player one of 17 Super Lego kit pieces (that form something cool) and works toward unlocking a secret level. Each level also has ten hidden minikit pieces, but finding all of these takes time in the game’s free play mode.

As mentioned above, Episode I feels like it has the most effort behind it. The Naboo levels are sprawling and detailed, even with the Lego motif. The waterfalls and forest effects are spectacular and the level design is innovative. Towards the end of the Episode, the party gets quite large, with the Jedi, Amidala, R2-D2, C-3PO, and various Naboo guards working together to overthrow the Trade Federation. These levels wisely don’t give Jar Jar much facetime, although his jumping skill makes him a valuable free play character. A somewhat overlong podrace on Tatooine offers a change of pace, but doesn’t compare to Star Wars: Episode I: Racer while cutting out Player Two. Finally, the Darth Maul boss battle caps off a strong set of levels. If there is anything that’s missing here, it’s Anakin’s first space battle—would’ve been nice.

Episode II begins well into the movie’s storyline with Obi Wan and his astromech droid investigating the Clone Facilities and finding the Fett family. Cutting to Geonosis, Anakin and Amidala fiddle around in the Droid Factory, all of which leads up to the game’s best level: the Arena Fight. This character heavy showdown between the Jedi, the Clone Army, and the Trade Federation is as good as the game gets in terms of combat, puzzles, and level design. After a single-player experience, commanding a Clone transport across the sands of Geonosis through a level highly reminiscent of the classic arcade Return of the Jedi, Episode II ends with the fight against Darth Tyranus. Not a bad set of levels, but jumpy and where’s the hunt for Zam Wesell through Coruscant’s underworld.

Episode III walks a fine line between expanding on the film’s trailer and spoiling the storyline. In terms of story, we’re given actions without motivations. In terms of game play, we’re given a series of levels which will mean more in the next few weeks. Beginning with a massive space battle, through which the single player steers a small starfighter, this Episode makes way for Darth Vader, features everyone’s favorite Wookie, and has Yoda sighing sadly on Coruscant. Of course it ends with a lightsaber duel on a volcanic planet, but expect to spend more time on the jumping puzzle that precedes it.

The game’s free play mode lets you play levels piecemeal rather than under the banner of the respective Episode. Choosing which characters you want beforehand, you can send Chewbacca and Jango Fett off to Naboo or any other combination. The goal here is exploration: maybe Jar Jar can reach a ledge that Anakin couldn’t or maybe you didn’t have R2 along to open a door before. Since the bonus level can only be unlocked by completing the game, not just finishing it, diehard players should expect to spend some time here

The Bad
Lego Star Wars is a brief excursion into the Star Wars Universe. Since it just covers the highlights of the prequels, this is to be expected, but part of the problem comes from its targeted audience of younger gamers. Lego Star Wars is easy and you can’t die. If your character dies, he or she is immediate resurrected minus a… um… stud fee. It’s a no-lose situation, so even troublesome jumping areas aren’t that much of a bother.

It’s also a very shallow experience. Hey, it’s a fun game, it looks gorgeous—bonus points for great concept and execution, but you only seventeen bite-sized levels here. Lego Star Wars is either going to leave you begging for more or demanding more. Expand the multiplayer potential, let us design our own Lego characters and ships, and open the sandbox for a bigger and better experience.

The Bottom Line
Lego Star Wars is the ultimate fan-edit. It’s The Phantom Menace without longwinded speeches and midichlorians, Attack of the Clones minus the banal love story, and the soon to be released Revenge of the Sith with the grim context lessened. In short, it’s a Lego reenactment of the prequels’ best action scenes. As a result, Lego Star Wars is receiving grade inflation like no Star Wars game has ever seen.

It’s a fun game, but it’s definitely more of a novelty than a gaming breakthrough. It’s worth playing, but only as a rental. Now a Lego game using the Holy Trilogy… that might be worth buying.

PlayStation 2 · by Terrence Bosky (5397) · 2005

[ View all 4 player reviews ]


Subject By Date
Demo Version Edwin Drost (9676) Mar 22, 2017


1001 Video Games

Lego Star Wars appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.

Disc Format

The majority of PlayStation 2 releases of this game were published on CD-ROM. The North American Greatest Hits version of the game was published on DVD-ROM and is the only known PlayStation 2 version of the game to exist on this format. This change was likely made due to the loud disc drive noise that comes as a result of CD-ROMs spinning at a faster speed than DVD-ROMs, and the slower load times associated with CD-ROM.


  • GameSpy
    • 2005 – #5 Offline Multiplayer Game of the Year
    • 2005 – #5 GameCube Game of the Year
    • 2005 – #9 PS2 Game of the Year
    • 2005 – PS2 Platformer of the Year
    • 2005 – Most Underrated Game of the Year (PC)


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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by Guy Chapman.

Macintosh added by Corn Popper. GameCube added by Kabushi.

Additional contributors: Unicorn Lynx, Jeanne, B.L. Stryker, DarkDante, Zeppin, DreinIX, federicocrane, Patrick Bregger, FatherJack, Deleted.

Game added April 1, 2005. Last modified May 24, 2024.