Forums > Suggestions > MG Temple of Suggestions [Updated: February 2, 2015]

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Indra was here (20750) on 6/15/2014 7:19 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

MG Temple of Suggestions

This thread is a dedicated progress report of anything and everything to do with suggestions. All user input will be filed here and will eventually be updated accordingly. This hopefully will be a new era of communication in MobyGames between the MG Gods, approvers, and users, or dread the constant whining and trolling of the author.

Also as said author isn't a coder, is bad at math, and couldn't read a tech manual to save his life, please explain suggestions in plain easy English and if possible, with much detail. Basically something easy to copy-paste here.

Current Status

  • Under Progress: 1 item(s).
  • Planned: 3 item(s).
  • Considered: 45 item(s).
  • Denied: 0 item(s).
  • Completed: 2 item(s).

Under Progress

Suggestions and features that are currently being worked on and are taking priority. Items listed here should identify what is being worked on and if possible, in what order of priority.

  1. Volunteer Coders/Programmers

    [Added on: June 16, 2014]
    [Suggested by: MobyGods] Utilizing the bulk of MG nerds to help out on coding problems. Hopefully in exchange for a nice little unique badge or whatever reward nerds seem to like. Said nerds should ideally know something about Perl and PostgreSQL. Interested and much appreciated volunteers, please send a message to Simon Carless (click on send message after link). Update
    We have a new part time programmer helping out: Nelio who has created a bug tracker to list bugs and features.


Suggestions and features that have been approved and is to be implemented in the near future. Yes, the near future is also an indefinite time span unfortunately.

  1. Category: Approval System - Auto-Approve

    [Added on: June 16, 2014]
    [Suggested by: MobyGods]
    [Priority: Presumably high] Auto-approve items, specifically for veteran contributors. Sources inform me that they are currently working with approvers and other long-term contributors to work out specs. There will be a post-approval log for these items to make sure people can check through them and Approver+ privileges will be extended (see below!) for easy fixes.
  2. Category: Approval System - Approver+ Privileges

    [Added on: June 16, 2014]
    [Suggested by: MobyGods]
    [Priority: Presumably high] A list of items that approvers who have the Approver+ status need in order to work more efficiently to catch up with the backlog of approvals and also to edit any items that have been auto-approved (see above!) to fix issues. Exact details of additional privileges are as the following:
    • Add / remove games from groups.
    • Edit one's own reviews.
    • Remove redundant second descriptions.
    • Editing game, cover, screenshot descriptions.
    • Editing trivia.
    • Editing hints.
    • Editing links.
    • Editing developer bios.
    • Edit tech info.
    • Edit (add, remove) genres.
    • WIP/reject screenshots back to contributors.
    • Seeing original source for credit/other submissions.
    • Additions/fixes with new companies getting approved.
    • Access to the audit to see all changes to the item.
    • Further annotation of audits to enable direct links to see changes.
    • Seeing original source for credit/other submissions (added ability for all approvers).
    • Edit game credits at admin level [Status: Considered. NOTE: credits system may be too fragile!]
    • Move covers, screenshots, release info between items [Status: Considered].
  3. Category: Reviews - Default Layout

    [Added on: June 16, 2014]
    [Suggested by: MobyGods]
    [Priority: Presumably high] Create a default review layout that is simply [a] the bottom line and [b] a rating. Optional that has all of the current fields, so people who like reviews the original way will not need to edit them.


Suggestion and features that have been acknowledged from MG user input (e.g. via forums) and are currently being reviewed cough. If accepted, it will be upgraded to a planned status. If not, it will downgraded to a denied status.

Warning: Item(s) listed may have a bad tendency of remaining here indefinitely.

  1. Category: All / Policy / System

    For any suggestion not limited to a specified location or something to do with basic system or policy changes. System/policy categories added and combined here since I keep getting lost whilst editing. :p
    1. All - Platform Tooltips

      [Added on: June 23, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Rola]
      [Location: Wherever and whenever a platform name is used]
      [Forum Thread] Sometimes our division of platforms may be non-intuitive to first time visitors. Amstrad CPC may include Amstrad GX4000. For example, on the Database Stats page, when hovering the cursor over platform's name a helpful tooltip could appear to say the following: Amstrad CPC464, CPC664, CPC6128, 464plus, 6128plus, GX4000.
    2. Policy - Developer Pseudonym

      [Added on: August 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Patrick Bregger]
      [Forum Thread] Change policy to accept pseudonyms (i.e. entity/entities in the contribution wizard) as developers. The current policy is to accept only real names and to a certain extent, stage names for musicians. Although somewhat possible via Google, there is no way to search for developer pseudonyms internally. Issues: Some pseudonyms cannot be effectively searched via Google, such as common single words.
  2. Category: Approval System

    For any suggestion related to the approval process, usually after a contribution item has entered the system and handled an approver. Not to be confused the contribution process, which is the pre-approval phase.
    1. Developer Corrections - Association Check

      [Added on: August 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Terok Nor]
      [Location: Admin Wizard]
      [Forum Thread] Request an automatic check on whether the contributor is associated with the developer in question with quick links available to either create (if not present) or break (if present but erroneous) the link. This feature is similar to that present when approving developer websites and biographies.
    2. Multi-Item Approve

      [Added on: June 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: MobyGods] Approvers will be able to see multiple items when going through approvals (5, 10, 20 items, etc.). The current system only allows approver to skim through one item at a time. Highly time consuming if the queue consists of several hundred items in the queue.
    3. WIP: No Game Title

      [Added on: June 21, 2014]
      [Suggested by: JudgeDeadd]
      [Location: WIP box on main game page --> WIP-ed item link]
      [Forum Thread] During the work-in-progress (WIP) status (excluding adding a new game), no title of the game in question is available on that page (the page that has the three options: resubmit this submission, edit the submission, or abandon the submission). That's pretty bad.
    4. WIP: No Notifications

      [Added on: June 21, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Fred]
      [Location: WIP box on main game page]
      [Forum Thread] Work-in-progress (WIP) items are not notified to the user (i.e. item sent back by an approver). Suggested: An icon right next to the inbox and approved items (top right corner of screen).
  3. Category: Company Page

    Any suggestion related to a company page.
    1. Trivia - Edit

      [Added on: September 12, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Patrick Bregger]
      [Forum Thread] Allow edits for company trivia similar to the current version of game trivia. Currently company trivia is only subject to adding new single trivia entries without any ability to edit them as a whole.
  4. Category: Developer Rap Sheet

    Any suggestion related to the developer page.
    1. Developer Birth / Death Date

      [Added on: June 20, 2014]
      [Suggested by: -raido.jotaro-]
      [Forum Thread] Add a birth and death date feature for developers, without having to resort to a description edit.
    2. Social Media Links

      [Added on: June 20, 2014]
      [Suggested by: -raido.jotaro-]
      [Forum Thread] Add social media handles to developer rap sheets e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.
  5. Category: Forums

    Any suggestion related to the community forums.
    1. Reply Back Link

      [Added on: June 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: JudgeDeadd]
      [Location: Replying to a post]
      [Forum Thread] When writing a reply to a forum thread, there is no link back to the thread when typing in a reply. The default workaround is to use a browsers back button. Useful when the reply window in another tab and the original one is closed or when pressing the back button may result in lost text written in the reply.
    2. Automatic Linking

      [Added on: July 6, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Nélio]
      [Location: Any self written post]
      [Forum Thread] Links/addresses in forum posts will automatically be converted to html without user intervention i.e. no need to add --> a href = " " > < /a>.
  6. Category: Game Browser

    Any suggestion related to the use, effectiveness, (and otherwise) of the MG Game Browser.
    1. Browse by Date

      [Added on: September 12, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Michaël KAEL]
      [Forum Thread] This feature is available, however via the This Day in Gaming, accesible via Main Page --> This Day in Gaming --> Full list. This feature however is not explicitly clear that a user may use it to browse games per specified date. Also, a similar feature is not available via game browser, limited to only per year.
    2. Year Range Filter

      [Added on: June 17, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Rola]
      [Forum Thread] Add option to filter game browser results per a year range (e.g. 2000 - 2002). Current method only allows to see games per only one year. A check box to select multiple years is also another suggested approach.
  7. Category: Game Groups

    Any suggestion related to game groups.
    1. Return Contributor Info

      [Added on: June 20, 2014]
      [Suggested by: chirinea]
      [Forum Thread] Return contributor info in regard to game groups. Game groups originally had information on contributors who created and modified game groups [example]. Information regarding the contributor who created the game group has now been removed for reasons unknown. [example].
  8. Category: Game Lists

    Any suggested related to game lists - a section that lists games via game browser or game groups.
    1. Developer Priority

      [Added on: August 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Rola]
      [Location: Search results and game groups]
      [Forum Thread] Game lists currently publishers next to their games. Games with multiple releases multiple releases/platforms appear to be picked at random. It would be better if developers are identified instead of publishers. Also suggested: If no developer information of a game unavailable, system should default to the next identifiable company entity (e.g. the publisher).
  9. Category: Game Page

    Any suggestion related to the main page of a game and its subsequent links.
    1. New Item: Official Art / Wallpapers

      [Added on: June 23, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Indra]
      [Location: Main game page]
      [Forum Thread] Add official art and/or official wallpapers as possible future new contribution item. Should have an independent section on the main game page.
    2. New Item: Official Screenshots

      [Added on: June 23, 2014]
      [Suggested by: MobyGods]
      [Location: Main game page]
      [Forum Thread] Add official screenshots (from developer/publisher) as possible future new contribution item. Should have an independent section on the main game page or separate section from standard user contributed screenshots.
    3. New Item: Print Ads

      [Added on: June 23, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Kabushi]
      [Location: Main game page]
      [Forum Thread] Add printed ads as possible future new contribution item. Should have an independent section on the main game page.
    4. Playlist

      [Added on: July 6, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Eric-Jon Tairne]
      [Location: Main game page --> Top Right Corner --> + Want + Have area]
      [Forum Thread] Add a [+ Playlist] link besides the [+ Want] [+ Have] links without having to resort going to the user rapsheet and adding the game from there.
    5. Release Info: Single Release

      [Added on: July 1, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Fred]
      [Location: Main game page - Release Info]
      [Forum Thread] Incorporate multiple release information from different platforms into a single release info, when applicable. To avoid repetitive information such as the following: [example 1] [[example 2].
    6. Screenshot: Navigation

      [Added on: June 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: chirinea, vedder]
      [Location: Main Game Page --> Screenshots]
      [Forum Thread] Screenshot navigation should be made easier by allowing additional features:
      • Suggested: The use of the keyboard (e.g. arrow keys) to go left, right, up, down; when viewing single shots.
      • Suggested: [Location: After selecting a screenshot] The << Previous and Next >> links could be replaced instead with a big graphical arrow.
    7. Screenshot: Order

      [Added on: June 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Nélio]
      [Location: Main Game Page --> Screenshot thumbnail (below game description)]
      [Forum Thread] The random selection of screenshots below a game's description should retain their original order (e.g. screenshot #3, screenshot #15, screenshot #30). Title screens or main menus often show up between gameplay screenshots (e.g. screenshot #30, screenshot #1, screenshot # 12).
    8. View Pending Items

      [Added on: June 18, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Rola, Fred]
      [Location: Main game page]
      [Forum Thread - Alternate Titles]
      [Forum Thread - All Items] Users when contributing items to a game should be able to view all items of any category that are currently pending. Better yet, able to view pending items anyway without pressing the contribute link. Currently, the only item that has this approach is for corrections, where a user may view all pending corrections. This should also the lessen the approver workload as to decrease the number of duplicate entries.
  10. Category: Game Wizard

    Any suggestion related to the contribution process, where any item submitted by the user is handled by the game wizard. Not to be confused with the approval system.
    1. Release Info: Multiple Release Info Duplication

      [Added on: June 18, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Fred]
      [Forum Thread] The option to duplicate multiple release info, either different releases or different platforms should be made available. The current method is to enter dates and companies manually, one item at a time. Which is extremely bothersome and time inefficient.
    2. Contributions: Product Code + Cover Art Association

      [Added on: June 18, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Fred]
      [Forum Thread] The option to associate product codes with a specified cover art should be made available.
    3. Contributions: Product Code + Release Info

      [Added on: June 18, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Fred]
      [Forum Thread] Product codes should be able to be contributed while contributing relevant release info. The current method is to wait for release info is approved before product codes can be submitted. Attempting to contribute product codes will disregard any pending release info and will only identify pre-existing approved release info.
    4. Tech Specs: Glossary Tool Tip

      [Added on: June 17, 2014]
      [Suggested by: vileyn0id_8088]
      [Location: Game Wizard (add new a game) - Specs - Glossary (scroll down)]
      [Forum Thread] Instead of having the entire glossary beneath the selection menu, the description for each item could simply appear as a tooltip of sorts when it's clicked (with the proper indication, like using the help cursor style on hover). The same could be done when browsing tech specs as well (not just in the wizard).
    5. Tech Specs: Glossary Update

      [Added on: June 17, 2014]
      [Suggested by: vileyn0id_8088]
      [Location: Game Wizard (add new a game) - Specs - Glossary (scroll down)]
      [Forum Thread] Glossary of terms under the specs when adding a new game are still void of descriptions for many of the definitions listed there.
    6. Submission Time Limit

      [Added on: January 28, 2015]
      [Suggested by: GTramp]
      [Forum Thread] Unknown to many users here, there is a time limit for submitted items. Somewhere around 2 week(?) before it gets eaten by the system. Items may be resurrected by admins per request, which is a bothersome process to many. Most common entries that may require a lot of time are new game entries and credits. Although there is a workaround that resets the time counter by submitting and pulling the entry back, forgetting to do this is not uncommon for users resulting in the lose of a lot of work. Suggestions: [1] Create a visible timer (preferably on the main page, inside the WIP box) indicating how much time is left before the entry is erased by the system.
      [2] Also if possible, an option to turn this feature (timer) on or off.
      [3] At the very least, for now a warning to users that a time limit is in effect for submitted items. Note: Only (?) review submissions are not subject to time limits.
  11. Category: Homepage

    Any suggestion related to the main MobyGames homepage.
    1. Unique New Games

      [Added on: June 19, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Tracy Poff]
      [Location: Main Homepage - New Game Updates]
      [Forum Thread] Prevent multiple platforms of the same game from hoarding space in the new game updates. Unique new game entries should take priority in update notifications. The new games update currently identifies different platforms as a unique game update, regardless if it's actually the same game.
  12. Category: MobyTags

    Any suggestion related to MobyTags, a unique html style code used in MobyGames for internal linking.
    1. New MobyTag Gameid

      [Added on: June 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Rola]
      [Forum Thread 1]
      [Forum Thread 2] When editing text-based content within the database, providing links to a specific game using MobyTags is problematic if said game does not have a unique title. Example: DOOM (inability to provide a direct link to a specific DOOM entry that does not have a unique title). Other workarounds consist of direct linking which is usually discouraged and identifying a specific platform or other variables, which are not always possible. Suggestion: New MobyTag gameid. gameid=500 --> means --> refers to A similar solution could be used for game groups and other variables.
  13. Category: Polls

    1. Discuss Thread

      [Added on: August 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: «»]
      [Forum Thread] Add possibility to open/go to the thread to discuss a poll, by a link on the poll's page or any other variation.
  14. Category: Reviews

    Any suggestion related to user contributed reviews.
    1. Thumbnailed Reviews?

      [Added on: June 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: MobyGods] Smaller viewable reviews accessible via main game page. Author has no idea what this means. :p
    2. Points Overhaul

      [Added on: June 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Will need to re-read forums] Review contributors have expressed concern on the low number of points given for reviews. The current standard is 1-5 points per view, subject to approver discretion with no official standard to go by in giving points. Some approvers have also voiced concerned on how to objectively score reviews, resulting in said approvers avoiding the review approval queue.
      • Suggested: Increasing points per review. Specified points increase suggested is unavailable or undecided. Approver still have to manually provide points per review.
      • Suggested: Automatic points given per review. Specified points increase suggested is unavailable or undecided. Approvers are exempted from scoring said review.
      • Suggested: One point awarded per each user that 'found this review helpful' (accessible via review). Based on reviews on file, each review may give the author of the review between 0 to 30 something points. Approvers also exempted from scoring said review.
    3. Highlights

      [Added on: June 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: MobyGods] Some users have expressed concern that reviews are exposed to less exposure/highlights by its current placement, which requires additional scrolling down. First world internet problems. :p
  15. Category: Rating System

    Any suggestion related to rating systems.
    1. Android: Content Ratings

      [Added on: June 21, 2014]
      [Suggested by: LepricahnsGold]
      [Forum Thread] Need ratings for the Android mobile platform. Google Play ratings. Amazon ratings.
    2. Blackberry: Content Ratings

      [Added on: June 22, 2014]
      [Suggested by: LepricahnsGold]
      [Forum Thread] Need content ratings for the Blackberry mobile platform. Blackbery content ratings.
    3. Macintosh: Content Ratings

      [Added on: July 1, 2014]
      [Suggested by: LepricahnsGold]
      [Forum Thread] Need content ratings for the Macintosh platform. Ratings available at forum thread, courtesy of JudgeDeadd. No direct link available. Links to content ratings on website divert to an unrelated stupid page. You suck, Apple.
    4. OUYA: Content Ratings

      [Added on: June 25, 2014]
      [Suggested by: LepricahnsGold]
      [Forum Thread] Need content ratings for the OUYA console platform. OUYA content ratings.
  16. Category: RSS

    Any suggestion related to whatever this RSS thingy is.
    1. RSS Feed: Game Updates

      [Added on: June 20, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Patrick Bregger]
      [Location: RSS Feed]
      [Forum Thread] Add RSS feed for game updates which is currently unavailable. I hope I got this right.
  17. Category: Spellchecker

    1. Update Words

      [Added on: June 17, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Jo ST]
      [Forum Thread] Update spell checker to identify common technical gaming terms. Words that need to be added (courtesy of JudgeDeadd): 1980s 1990s 2D 32X 3D 3DO 3DS 4A (TI-99/4A) 80s 90s Abandonware Arkanoid bada BlackBerry Booter CBM CD32 CDTV Cel (as in Cel-shaded) CoCo CRPG DLC DoJa Downloadable Dreamcast DRM DS DSi emptive, emptively (pre-emptively) ExEn FMV FX G7400 GameCube Gizmondo GP2X GP32 Homebrew IIgs (Apple IIgs) Intellivision iPod J2ME JRPG M5 (platform Sord M5) masse (en masse) Microvision MMO MMOs MMORPG MMORPGs MOBA MOBAs MobyGames MSX Multi (in various multi- compound words) Neo NES nitro (nitro boost) NPC NPCs Nuon Oric Ouya Pac (as in Pac-Man) PCW (Amstrad PCW) Pico platformers Playdia podcast pre (in various pre- compound words) PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP PV (Casio PV-1000) QL (Sinclair QL) RNG (random number generator) roguelike roguelikes RPGs RTS SG (platform SG-1000) shmup shmups shovelware Sord speedrun, speedruns storylines SuperGrafx Symbian TRS TurboGrafx Vectrex Videopac webOS Wii Wiz (the platform GP2X Wiz) WonderSwan X1 (Sharp X1) X360 X68000 Xbox Zeebo ZX ZX80 ZX81
  18. Category: User Rap Sheet

    1. Approval Status

      [Added on: June 19, 2014]
      [Suggested by: JudgeDeadd]
      [Location: User Rap Sheet --> Show approval status of items contributed or Contribute drop box --> Approval Status]
      [Forum Thread] Items listed in the approval status page do not have any direct links to the games in question. The user must manually search for said item in another browser tab. Suggested: Add clickable titles that directs to said game (titles there currently are not clickable).
    2. Approver Icons

      [Added on: June 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Rola]
      [Forum Thread] Add icons to approvers and admins, similar to the blue flame and gold star donation icons.
      Suggested: Something gold for admins. Something silver for approvers.
    3. Private Message: Quota

      [Added on: June 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Patrick Bregger]
      [Forum Thread] Increase maximum quota of personal messages. Current quota is 1,000 allotted messages.
    4. Private Message: Search

      [Added on: June 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: Patrick Bregger]
      [Forum Thread] Add search options for private messages.
  19. Category: Styles

    1. MobyDark

      [Added on: June 25, 2014]
      [Suggested by: vileyn0id_8088]
      [Location: User Rap Sheet - User Preference (well it was here before)]
      [Forum Thread] [Get MobyDark Here!] Re-introduce the MobyDark style color scheme. MobyDark was previously removed in one of past updates, due to limited resource(?). Thus far, a workaround was created by Mr. Vile via browser apps to mimic the original MobyDark, resulting in a far better version of MobyDark and equally spooky logo. An alternative suggestion, if the previous is too demanding, is to make this workaround approach official and more visible (than just a forum thread), to be located somewhere on the MG main page or anywhere with easy accessibility (e.g. header/footer/drop down menus, etc.).
  20. Category: Other

    1. Creative Commons Licensing/API

      [Added on: June 16, 2014]
      [Suggested by: MobyGods]
      [Priority: Fix other stuff first] Making MobyGames a creative commons licensed database so that others can easily grab the material via a specially created API. Timing on this is longer-term and after many of the other above items have been accomplished.


Suggestions and features that have been considered and for certain reasons were denied. Does not necessarily mean it's a bad suggestion. Denials may also be related to limited resources or too ambitious overhauls. Reasons to why a proposed suggestion was denied will also be made available, if possible.

  1. [No items currently on this list]


Past suggestions and features that by some miracle and/or hard work has successfully been implemented. Huzzah!

  1. Approval System: Change skip time to 24 hours

    [Added on: November 27, 2014]
    [Suggested by: Bug Tracker] Instead of the current 1 hour.
  2. Move approver skip time to system defaults

    [Added on: January 2, 2015]
    [Suggested by: Bug Tracker] Move approver skip time to system defaults. I have no idea what this means.

Please rename your title post if it has been received/fixed/abandoned.

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j.raido 【雷堂嬢太朗】 (100538) on 6/15/2014 8:09 PM · Permalink · Report

Great idea, here's hoping you have the wherewithal to keep it updated. ;)

[Q --start Indra is here wrote--]Will continue this tomorrow. This default box really needs to be bigger. [/Q --end Indra is here wrote--] I don't know about any other browsers, but Firefox lets you resize text entry boxes. There's a little widget at the bottom-right of the box.

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vedder (71181) on 6/15/2014 9:08 PM · Permalink · Report

Opera does that as well.

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Nélio (1976) on 6/16/2014 2:32 AM · Permalink · Report

And Chrome.

IE is still loading this thread.

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Simon Carless (1834) on 6/16/2014 2:40 AM · Permalink · Report

Just sent along a bunch of edits, this is good - and I think this is really gonna be jointly Bugs/Suggestions at the same time, to be honest... still think this might work better as a Google Doc but let's try it as a text thingie :P

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Starbuck the Third (22601) on 6/16/2014 10:19 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

I know it says another thread for ideas, but seen as it's touched on here: the approval system could use a bit more of a revamp. Currently my main gripe is that, as indicated here, you literally have to go through each individual submission, skipping, approving or rejecting each submission one by one, what I wouldn't mind seeing is the submissions being broken down into a list, say by contributor or game, so we can just jump into ones we know we can sort out straight up instead of wading in, skipping several and then dealing with the ones that can be done immediately.

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Nélio (1976) on 6/16/2014 12:11 PM · Permalink · Report

I think the "Multi-Item Approve" helps a lot with that.

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Indra was here (20750) on 6/17/2014 10:52 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

The list is now nice and tidy. Please bump thread or PM me on issues of import not yet listed. I'm randomly clicking on threads, many of which seem to be undecided, resolved, or I have no idea what you guys are talking about. :p

Also, while you're at it, to the original author of the each thread: Please edit the title page to e.g. [RESOLVED], [FIXED], etc., so I don't find myself in that thread for the thrice time. Much obliged.

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Nélio (1976) on 2/2/2015 1:52 PM · Permalink · Report

Thread unlocked.

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Rola (8482) on 6/1/2015 8:05 PM · Permalink · Report

Is this "temple" still active? Or was it replaced by some bug/request tracker?

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Nélio (1976) on 6/2/2015 1:01 AM · Permalink · Report

I'm not keeping track of it. Most of the things here were moved to my task tracker.

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Indra was here (20750) on 6/2/2015 8:09 AM · Permalink · Report

I'd update it, but I'm freakin busy as of late.

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Rola (8482) on 6/2/2015 2:40 PM · Permalink · Report

Is this task tracker accessible (viewable) for mere mortals?

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Nélio (1976) on 6/5/2015 10:45 AM · Permalink · Report

I don't think the tracker allows public browsing so I'd have to setup accounts for those interested.

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Roarkes on 9/1/2015 2:11 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

View Mode: flat is the default. It is possible to change it at free will ? User list with their sites.

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Freeman (65146) on 9/1/2015 8:34 PM · Permalink · Report

Do you mean for forum posts? Yes, you can change it at the top of the page. However, you need to make the changes for each sub-forum.

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Roarkes on 9/4/2015 7:31 PM · Permalink · Report

But it is annoying.