Forums > Suggestions > TV Spots & Commercials

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WONDERなパン (17284) on 5/30/2020 6:21 PM · Permalink · Report

I THINK it is safe to say we won't be uploading any video content here, but what do we think about referring to external sources for the content? This too would be strange for MobyGames I think as usually we want the content hosted here.

Just a lot of GREAT commercial content out there that I wish we could somehow attach these to games.

Copywrite and ownership of course would be probably the biggest hurdle outside of where would such data be hosted and how does that cost get covered.

Just spitballing, but wanted to get other opinions in the mix.

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Pseudo_Intellectual (66471) on 5/31/2020 12:47 AM · Permalink · Report

We're working on attaching launch trailers via youtube through the new phoenix version, I expect we would also be able to attach links to other youtube content -- ads etc -- as promo art once that goes live.

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wingi (4935) on 5/31/2020 8:02 PM · Permalink · Report

I would prefer links to instead of youtube for legal and consistent reeasons.

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Pseudo_Intellectual (66471) on 6/1/2020 12:41 AM · Permalink · Report

I hear you. I believe at present the links are to video content posted by the legal owners of said content, so that's the most legitimate source you can ask for -- but of course it doesn't deal with the fact that they can remove their videos at any time.