Forums > Find a game > Old strategy fantasy game

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Daniel Olewski on 6/10/2021 5:05 AM · Permalink · Report

I am looking for an old strategy game. I do not remember much, but it seems to me that the units were very specific. In separate barracks(like a stone skull), you could create a giant or a troll that was pink and had a club in his hand. In the same there was a wizard whose ability, among others, was a meteor shower (quite large, if I remember correctly, it took half a monitor) I used it most often for cutting trees. The whole game was to make a castle and defeat your opponent. There was a black fog on the map that descended when some unit went there. I also remember that you could make ships and load them into ships to cross over to the other shore. I know it's not much but maybe someone knows.

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chirinea (47516) on 6/27/2021 8:09 PM · Permalink · Report

I'll try the obvious answer here, but maybe Warcraft II?

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MAT (241141) on 7/12/2021 4:10 AM · Permalink · Report

A lot feels familiar with this game indeed, but there were no pink trolls with clubs. In fact, trolls were tossing axes or tomahawks, and ogres had two heads. While ogres were not pink, I seem to recall a pre-rendered cutscene where one seemed pink, so that may be the memory the user recalled.

There are definitely transport ships and mage spells with ice storms or such things. Perhaps it was mix or WC1 and WC2 what the user is remembering :)

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Flapco (46054) on 7/3/2021 2:41 PM · Permalink · Report

Perhaps SpellForce: The Order of Dawn or a game from this group?