Forums > Bugs > "Hot Off the Press" inaccurate

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Katakis | カタキス (43087) on 5/6/2004 12:23 AM · Permalink · Report

I just noticed that at 10:20 (Australian EST) on May 6, the Hot off the Presses section claimed that the newest game entry was Manchester United Europe, yet on the recent additions list, the newest game entry was actually Aquanaut. Manchester United Europe is #7 down the list.

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Corn Popper (69019) on 5/6/2004 6:16 AM · Permalink · Report

Not really a bug, it always takes a bit of time for the stuff to catch up.

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Brian Hirt (10408) on 5/6/2004 2:37 PM · Permalink · Report

the hot off the press only updates every 4 hours, while the other list is pretty much updated in real time.

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Katakis | カタキス (43087) on 5/7/2004 1:48 AM · Permalink · Report

But couldn't you change the code so it updates immediately after a new entry has been added?

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Shoddyan (15005) on 5/8/2004 12:18 AM · Permalink · Report

Why would we want that? It's just additional overhead for the server... and the results are accurate much more recently. if you go looking for them off of the main page.