Forums > News > Moby v2023.03.03 Release

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MobyReed (391) on 3/4/2023 2:38 AM · Permalink · Report

Happy Friday! One more release for the week.


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Plok (235546) on 3/4/2023 8:25 AM · Permalink · Report

Said cover group links should take into account group comments to differentiate re-releases and digital covers.

While we're at it, cover groups are no longer sorted by platform first, so I tend to get lost in multiplatform games.

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Kam1Kaz3NL77 (586203) on 3/4/2023 11:15 AM · Permalink · Report

Ooooh, contribute game tool look more pleasing now, less scrolling for platforms......mmmmmm nothing to complain about for now :P

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Infernos (46115) on 3/4/2023 2:36 PM · Permalink · Report

Are there any plans to implement a feature that would allow contributors to link DLCs/add-ons/expansion packs/games in compilations/special/limited editions/remasters/remakes to their master/parent release(s)? By that I mean on the main game's page you could see an overview of:
1) what and how many DLCs/Add-ons/Expansion packs a game has
2) in how many compilations this game has been included in
3) are there any special/limited editions of this game
4) does it have a remaster/remake

GameFAQs has a feature where it shows all expansions a game has for example, Payday 2 and compilations in which a game has been included in, for example Pac-Man.

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Plok (235546) on 3/4/2023 3:41 PM · Permalink · Report

In the long term, that's always been the plan with the new site after the existing functionalities were reimplemented.

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Kaminari (1082) on 3/6/2023 11:57 AM · Permalink · Report

I don't understand how PNG screenshots got bulk-converted to crappy JPEG in the first place. Is it a conscious decision or just a bug?

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Cantillon (81272) on 3/6/2023 1:28 PM · Permalink · Report

It is a bug, and images will be regenerated with better heuristics.

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joicrawu (80) on 3/6/2023 2:19 PM · Permalink · Report

Hi there, amazing work adding User score and Critic score on the Browser!

I´m going to point out as many bugs / to-do? things, questions and suggestions as possible. Sorry for repeating myself:

  1. In your profile, changing your time zone doesn´t work. For me it reverts to UTC +0000 (I´m in Spain, so it should be Europe/Madrid +0100).
  2. Wondering, are you guys planning on adding similar Contributors filtering options as there were on the previous site? I guess it´s in the works...
  3. Forums Next link doesn´t work (just stays on page 1).
  4. Most wanted doesn´t include "Find games that are missing" Reviews (from both critics and users), or Ratings (scores without written reviews) from users.
  5. FAQ hasn´t been updated. Are you guys planning on adding an explanation and formulas used to calculate the Mobyscore and other scores? In general, I think an FAQ regarding the way several filters and functions work on the website would be appreciated. By that I don´t mean just scores, but the way different parameters work in relation to each other when filtering or browsing through the site. Let´s say, essentially, giving an explanation with some examples of the way the logic is applied (doesn´t have to be exhaustive)
  6. Are you planning on adding a Stats page similar to the Database Stats you had on the old site? All those numbers were a really useful reference to compare platforms.
  7. Shouldn´t the People and Company Browsers include more results per page? Say, 50, like in the Games Browser...
  8. By the way, still don´t understand why the People browser presents a list which seems alphabetical but isn´t (over 1 million people, but on page 3 already starting with "A"?). Not sure how the logic behind the sorting works there. Company Browser still includes 6 titles at the beginning which shouldn´t be there.
  9. By the way as a side question. Are you guys trying to settle on some colour coding for the different Mobyscore ranges? I´ve noticed the colours have been changing. Or rather, the colours on mobile aren´t the same as on PC.
  10. I imagine attribute sorting according to Game Package is in the works.
  11. As I mentioned in another post, the number of games shown in the Browser as opposed to #Games in the Game Groups listing, doesn´t match, especially in cases where the Game Group contains a lot of games. Just click on any of those Game Groups and you´ll see.
  12. Related game groups, sub-groups, etc... doesn´t display properly in some Game Groups. I suggest they should always be presented in bullet point format (I´m not sure if you guys are running into some issues with that). To me this is how they should be presented:
  13. Game Groups really do need some love. I think they should be sorted into categories and subcategories based on type of Game Group (excluding Series coz there are too many of those): Variants, Universe, Controllable vehicles (Aircraft/Automobile/Tank, etc...), Games with "x" copy protection, Gameplay feature, Genre, Inspiration (Author, book or general), Historical conflict, Fictional character, Games made into..., Protagonist, Animals, Setting, Theme, Mythology, Visual technique / style, Games with/bundled with/referenced in..etc.... There are more, but you get the gist. I don´t know how difficult it would be to implement that, but it definitely would make sense for ease of sorting, browsing, adding games, etc...
  14. Just a suggestion: I think the Platform browser should include subheadings which divide the platforms into types for ease of navigation: PC, Console, Handheld, Wireless/PDA, Streaming and Other
  15. There seem to be a lot of problems regarding user scores: Firstly, for some games, the User Score displayed on the Overview of a game doesn´t match the user score on the "Games sorted by user score" browser: Secondly, the User Score at the top in the overview page, and the one shown in the reviews section don´t match: And thirdly, some overall User scores are blatantly wrong, as they are way too high. If you look at some games´ user scores on different platforms, you´ll notice that they are ALL lower than the overall User Score, which is impossible: So in that game, the user score on the different platforms ranges from 3,6-3,9, but the overall is 4,2 stars? This doesn´t happen with overall Critic scores, which seem correct. Another example: (And no, it isn´t those 4 hidden ratings on Windows, it happens all the time in many games). Another example:
  16. Talking about Critic scores, not sure what is going on, maybe rounding issues, but still, Critic scores are often 1% lower than either the Overall or platfrom-specific score for a game: Why that 1% difference? They should be the same.
  17. How come these 3 games have a Mobyscore?: They don´t meet minimum requirements. There are other examples as well, so clarifying the way these requirements for a score are met or not would be great. Another example:
  18. You already mentioned that other Boolean operators such as NOT, EXCLUDING, MIN/MAX, BETWEEN, etc... are in the works, so that would be brilliant.
  19. I´m sorry to say, that unless the actual correct numbers are behind the calculations (assuming then that it´s just a visualization error), the Mobyscores would be incorrect based on the overall user scores.
  20. Critic Sources still can´t be sorted (once you hit Next, they default to date of review descending).
  21. Would be amazing if there was a browsable list of Critics, which has never existed as far as I know (outside of when contributing a game). As a side note, I noticed that you had roughly 2000 critic sources on the old database when I scrolled through the Add critic source tab.
  22. Related games is still not working as it should. Remember that title matches only make sense if the game belongs to a series/franchise/universe etc.. or has DLCs/Special editions. This is a complicated one with its own thread. I´ll probably give a more detailed suggestion to improve it, but I think that Game Groups would probably need an overhaul in the way they are presented, with subcategories as previously mentioned.

Sorry to sound repetitive and overly demanding, it´s just for the sake of trying to get this site to as good-as-possible by pointing out bugs, missing things, possible additions, suggestions for changes, questions for clarification, etc... I know most of these things have been mentioned by myself or others, I just thought it would be a good idea to point them out in a list for the record, and so other people can see them and give their viewpoints or add to them. This list is based on my understanding of the website. I have no idea about images, credits, companies, people, attributes, tech specs, releases, etc...

I´m into the numbers, matching info, scores, genres, groups, and in general, filtering and categorizing.

Anyway, thanks for your amazing work so far, the site seems to me to be OBJECTIVELY better in almost every regard than the old site. There are some things that for some people are currently OBJECTIVELY worse, but I think it´s difficult to argue that overall it is much improved both on PC as on mobile.

Keep it up!

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Bozzly (1154) on 3/6/2023 3:54 PM · Permalink · Report

When entering the page containing reviews from a particular critic, it would be nice to bring back the number indicating how many reviews available.

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joicrawu (80) on 3/6/2023 5:10 PM · Permalink · Report

Yeah true I forgot, a filter based on number of scored reviews for critics, and number of ratings for users, both per platform and overall

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joicrawu (80) on 3/6/2023 6:16 PM · Permalink · Report

Sorry just found another bug. Star ratings showing a number higher than 5 (in this case on Arcade and Playstation):

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joicrawu (80) on 3/6/2023 6:21 PM · Permalink · Report

Also here, on the Playstation version, star average ratings don´t match (overall for playstation at the top 3.9 - but with reviews 4.1 and at the bottom without reviews 4.0 ?):

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joicrawu (80) on 3/6/2023 6:37 PM · Permalink · Report

Sorry to point out yet another thing, but I reckon that showing the exact number of results for a query (even if it has over 10,000 results, and even if you can´t get past page 50 without at least 50 contribution points) should be displayed. Also, as you did with the Platform and Icons options on the Browser, maybe getting the exact number of results when it´s over 10,000 could be an option? And as another user mentioned, maybe there could be an option to freeze the Browser as you are searching for different things using the filters until you are ready, and then apply the search. In other words, instead of the Browser just updating on the go, it would be interesting if you could set all filters, and then make it search.

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Kam1Kaz3NL77 (586203) on 3/6/2023 6:53 PM · Permalink · Report

I cannot add a cover for the platforms Oculus Quest or Oculus Go, since it will ask for the "packaging", but for these platforms the packaging is always electronical and has been left out by default (even in the old database)...... I don't know if this error is also in effect for iOS/TVOS (since packaging is also absent by default)

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joicrawu (80) on 3/6/2023 9:48 PM · Permalink · Report

Hey, I´m pretty sure I know why critic scores show up as 1% less above the critic reviews with respect to either the overall critic score or the platform-specific critic score. Simply put it´s a matter of rounding. So if you have a game with a score of XX.5 or higher, it´ll show as rounded up at the top, whereas it´ll show up as the whole number without rounding (above the actual critic reviews). For example, a game with an 88,75 average critic score (regardless of whether it´s overall or for a specific platform), will show up as an 89% at the top, but as an 88% at the bottom. Personally, I think showing 2 decimals for critic scores, Mobyscores and user scores would be the way to go. Thanks for bearing with me.