Forums > MobyGames > Screenshots for XBOX 360 enhanced titles on Xbox One

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stabel (3927) on 12/29/2018 10:22 AM · Permalink · Report


I want to start contributing screenshots again. How are screenshots for XBOX 360 titles handled which are taken on XBOX One? They sometimes differ from a real XBOX 360. Is there even a section for BC titles? Or anything planned?


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MAT (241141) on 12/29/2018 2:18 PM · Permalink · Report

I don't think we treat those games as Xbox 360 games, but as Xbox One games.

Here's sample of Alan Wake (and its DLCs) I took on my Xbox One S console...

  • ...I got those downloadable titles as part of this Xbox One game..., you cannot capture Xbox 360 game shots on Xbox One. You can only capture Xbox One version of a game (which is emulated Xbox 360 game). Bottomline, capturing on XB1 means you need to upload screenshots under XB1, not XB360 game entry.
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    stabel (3927) on 12/29/2018 4:29 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    guess I need to add a lot of BC "ports" then first, since a lot of them are missing

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    stabel (3927) on 1/3/2019 10:24 AM · Permalink · Report

    ok ... so I started adding some BC games ... until I hit "AC IV: Black Flag" which then actually has two versions on XB1: one native and one BC. How is this handled?

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    MAT (241141) on 1/3/2019 12:16 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    If you play Xbox 360 version on Xbox 360 console, that goes under that platform.

    In case that Xbox 360 version can be played emulated on Xbox One as well as native version, then don't fill up the whole space. Adding 20 shots would suffice. But it would actually be bad to add any shots, if possible, native Xbox One version's shots are preferable.

    We have a "Native and Emulated" for versions available in tech spec.

    Think of some Steam or GOG games which run DOS emulated games under Windows, but there is also Windows native game. Both shots are acceptable.

    If you upload XB360 shots under XB1 when played on XB1, when adding game description, include (Xbox 360 version) comment in the parentheses after it so users don't get confused that it's native version.

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    stabel (3927) on 1/3/2019 12:43 PM · Permalink · Report

    sorry, should have been more precise.

    I added some game entries for the 360 titles on XB1. Should e.g. "Age of Booty" as a 360 BC title on XB1 have a new platform XB1? (this is what I did, forgott the "360 original flag" in tech specs though) If this is the case for "Age of Booty", how should I add "Assassin's Creed IV" as a 360 BC title for XB1 as there is already a native XB1 version?

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    MAT (241141) on 1/3/2019 12:52 PM · Permalink · Report

    Checked Age of Booty. Release info looks fine.

    If there is such Xbox 360 backward compatible release of AC4 for Xbox One, add that release info as well. And when adding those screenshots, just be sure to add (Xbox 360 version) comment in those screenshots and leave place for XB1 native shots, don't fill all 50 shots with XB360 emulated ones. They're not really even necessary if you could capture them on XB360 console, and native XB1 game capture and add all 50 on XB1 platform.

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    stabel (3927) on 1/3/2019 2:32 PM · Permalink · Report

    ok, let's please forget about the screenshots for a moment.

    How do I add game info for "AC IV: Black Flag" as a 360 Title on XB1 if there is already a native XB1 AC IV?

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 1/3/2019 7:25 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    You simply add a release info for the existing X1 platform stating "X360 version backwards compatibility" or similar. Then the X1 platform will refer to both the backwards compatibility version and the dedicated version.

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    MAT (241141) on 1/4/2019 2:59 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    What he said :)

    Most of games have more than 1 release infos (especially when it comes to localized retail releases). You just add a new release info to the game entry.

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    stabel (3927) on 1/4/2019 8:21 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    sorry, I still do not understand the underlying data model. Please correct me:

    1) A platform for a game entry is unique, which means a game entry can only have one of each platform e.g. 360, XB1 or PS3. Correct?

    2) If I add the flag "360 compatible game" to an existing XB1 platform entry,

    a) does this make this entry for this platform to be the 360 compatible game?


    b) does this then imply that there is a native XB1 version and a 360 BC version?

    sorry, but I am lost

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    MAT (241141) on 1/4/2019 11:52 PM · Permalink · Report

    B) It means there is native XB1 version and 360 BC version.

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    Kennyannydenny (128154) on 1/5/2019 5:40 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    Like Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.

    That one had a release on the original xbox, that version is BC on the 360, a 360 release, and the 360 version went BC on Xbox One :)

    So four xbox releases!

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    Kennyannydenny (128154) on 1/3/2019 9:16 PM · Permalink · Report

    Unlike what MAT said, I actually added BC covers and screenshots (A World of keflings) to the xbox 360 platforms as I always thought they were only being emulated... if all of the BC titles will need the xbox one platform, that's going to take a while. There were 100+ added in the last year alone with over 550 in total:

    Most, if not almost all, don't have the xbox one platform yet on mobygames. Directed at everyone, should they get them or not? with the release date that of which it became backward compatible? with BC in the release comment i guess then?

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    Simon Carless (1834) on 1/3/2019 11:20 PM · Permalink · Report

    I do think they should get them, yeah, so Xbox One with the note being Xbox BC compatible... somebody added a few a couple of days ago!

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    stabel (3927) on 1/4/2019 8:24 AM · Permalink · Report

    I did add some and I do intend to make the list complete, but only if it makes sense

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    MAT (241141) on 1/4/2019 3:03 AM · Permalink · Report

    BTW, while there are many backward compatible XB360 games, far from all are supported if I'm not mistaken, so it's not just adding XB1 platform to every Xbox 360 title out there.

    Good thing Sony didn't start doing that with PS3 titles, lol!

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    Kennyannydenny (128154) on 1/4/2019 10:39 PM · Permalink · Report

    I know, there are 550 BC in total, so 550 will need the xbox one platform then :) There are far more xbox 360 games though. Although these are not a small part afaik, around 1/3rd or something of all games (read that somewhere i believe).

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    MAT (241141) on 1/5/2019 11:33 AM · Permalink · Report

    There are many Japanese-only Xbox 360 retail releases. I wonder if those games are backward compatible. Though we don't have many of those in database either.

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    Kennyannydenny (128154) on 1/5/2019 5:40 PM · Permalink · Report

    Some are yes, I've seen a few in news articles (I usually follow all articles related to BC on xbox)

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    vedder (71207) on 1/5/2019 10:26 AM · Permalink · Report

    Wait you aren't suggesting that backwards compatibility would warrant an additional platform right?

    That would mean all Game Boy games would get Game Boy Color as well. And All Game Boy Color would get Game Boy Advanced as well and all Game Boy Advanced would get Nintendo DS as well, etc... I don't see the use in that. A tech spec, sure, but adding platforms seems redundant.

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 1/5/2019 11:16 AM · Permalink · Report

    In the case of Xbox One it's not true "backwards compatibility", it's case-by-case emulation.

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    MAT (241141) on 1/5/2019 11:37 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

    We had that discussion on whether to treat XB360 games on XB1 as XB360 or XB1.

    You can put Xbox 360 retail game disc in XB1 console, but cannot play it from that disc. Instead, you download XB360 digital version emulated on XB1. So that makes it XB1 game. Sort of how GOG or Steam DOS emulated games are added under Windows/Macintosh/Linux platforms even though they are run in DOSBox emulator.

    Sony has many such emulated games on newer platforms. Like PS2 or PSX classics on PS3 and later on PS4 or PSP and PS Vita.

    Also, in XB360 case, fact that you can insert some game and download it digitally wouldn't warrant an XB1 platform entry, but the fact you can do so for some games means the game is also available on XBox Marketplace for purchase in digital format on XB1 platform. At least I think so, haven't tried that yet with any of my XB360 games, but pretty sure Kenny has and he's expert when it comes to gaming on Xbox platforms ;))

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    Kennyannydenny (128154) on 1/5/2019 5:50 PM · Permalink · Report

    It's a bit more complicated than that.

    That a game becomes BC doesn't mean a copy is for sale on the store. There are a few games out there that became BC, but are not listed on the store, instead, you'll have to buy a disc of the xbox 360 version, put that into your console and it'll download a digital version. There is no other way to get that digital version though in such cases, only by owning a xbox 360 disc.

    I still feel like we might not need to go the platform way, but rather the tech spec way. But i'm not 100% sure.

    What did we do with xbox original games that went BC on the 360? that was also quite the list:

    I just checked a few: Aliens versus Predator: Extinction, Auto Modellista, Call of Duty: Finest Hour, Halo 2, Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction and they all don't have the xbox 360 platform. So we didn't do that with xbox original > xbox 360 backward compatibiliy.

    And how would we treat cases like Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. That one is BC on xbox 360, but recently also on the xbox one (and even went Games with Gold as the first xbox original game)? Add xbox, xbox 360 and xbox one platforms? Maybe it's becoming a bit too much. Maybe we should use tech specs. But if we do that, do we still accept BC covers? Like I added to A World of Keflings. Especially the games that are arcade games on the 360 their cover differs. And I remember a game of which I added the cover here on mobygames in which the whole cover got changed, not just the top bar from arcade to xbox 360.

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    CalaisianMindthief (8172) on 1/5/2019 6:13 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

    So you basically use the X360 hard copy as a cd-key to get the digital emulated copy? This means that we don't play the original game, rather it is a new version ported/emulated to Xbox One. I would recommend using the platform method as it makes more sense.

    Edit: On the other hand I just realized we may lack publishers and developers for Xbox One release infos if they are not listed in the store.

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    MAT (241141) on 1/6/2019 11:20 AM · Permalink · Report

    If there are some XB360 BC games that don't exist in digital format on XB1 for purchase, then when adding XB1 platform for them, how can you know the year when that backward compatibility became available, or was it backward compatible the moment XB1 console got released?

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    Kennyannydenny (128154) on 1/6/2019 5:39 PM · Permalink · Report

    No nothing was BC when the Xbox One got released. You know that when looking at the list from Major Nelson:

    That list contains all games and the date it got added. But you could always also look up the specific Twitter messages or news posts from third party websites.

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    Simon Carless (1834) on 1/6/2019 9:35 PM · Permalink · Report

    Oh yeah, this is pretty complicated at this point :/ I didn't realize not all of them are listed on the site. I still think adding them to platforms with the written 'Backwards Compatible' note is OK, I would just prefer some way to filter them out when browsing. Which is a similar issue for NES games on Wii U, etc...

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    Kennyannydenny (128154) on 1/5/2019 5:54 PM · Permalink · Report

    Oh and btw, you never buy this through the xbox one store. When you go to the links, like this:, and click "see price" you get redirected to the xbox 360 store :

    You still buy them on the 360 store. I just checked on my Xbox One, and there it also says "see price", after which a screen pops up. I think it's also connecting to the xbox 360 marketplace there, although i'm not 100% positive on that.