Forums > MobyGames > Anybody played / owns Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge?

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Roedie (5239) on 12/5/2006 5:19 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

The cover art for the Saturn version of the game Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors is incorrect. The cover art submitted by Barry Brown is for the 2nd game in the series called Night Warriors: Darkstalker's Revenge (which currently is not in the database).

Of course I could send in a correction to have the cover art removed & deleted but I'd prefer to see that it was used with the (to be added) entry for the 2nd game in the series. The problem is I've never played the game. Don't know much more about it than what's on the back cover and what's on Wikipedia (according to Wikipedia it's an updated version of the first game with 2 extra fighters & playable boss characters.)

Gamefaqs has some release dates but I doubt they are correct as supposedly the first game in the series was released in march '96 (PSX release date) while Darkstalkers' Revenge was supposedly released in february '96 (Saturn release date).

Does anybody own this game / have some extra info?

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Multimedia Mike (20664) on 12/7/2006 1:29 AM · Permalink · Report

I have the game. It has been in my "to be added to MobyGames" queue for a long time now (it's a deep queue). I have the CD-ROM scanned and ready to go, though.

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Roedie (5239) on 12/14/2006 3:58 PM · Permalink · Report

Well I did some extra research and discovered that Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors was a PSX exclusive and that Nightwarriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge was a Saturn exclusive. Seems like the entry for Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors must be split into two entries.

Btw: Is it correct that a future release of MobyGames will offer support to make these splits easier? in that case I think I 'll wait for a while.

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Corn Popper (69019) on 12/14/2006 4:58 PM · Permalink · Report

yes, in the next release it'll be a lot easier for me to do splits and move items from one game entry to another

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Shoddyan (15005) on 12/15/2006 4:04 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Roedie wrote--]Well I did some extra research and discovered that Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors was a PSX exclusive and that Nightwarriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge was a Saturn exclusive. Seems like the entry for Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors must be split into two entries.[/Q --end Roedie wrote--]

I've put this on the internal "split list" to have the Saturn information split out into a new entry. When this mystical split tool becomes available, the plan is to go through this list and correct past wrongs.

In the meantime, what's left on that particular entry will be the Playstation information. The game description currently listed is pretty basic. If you can improve upon it (click Edit Description) in any way it would be appreciated. On the other hand, if you're preparing a game description regarding the Saturn version... you can IM it to myself or Corn Popper and we'll make sure that information is ready to be used once we tackle the list.

Thanks for finding this error and bringing to our attention. Anything to appease the wrath of Morrigan... as well as all that jazz about having accurate information and sending errors back to the underworld ;-)