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Forums > Game Talk > Help me name that site

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TheLetterM (296) on 6/30/2013 5:01 AM · Permalink · Report

Can't seem to recall the URL's or names of two particular sites and it's driving me crazy.

1- Site where you can list what games you're currently playing or have on deck. It's supposed to help you dig through your backlog.

2- Haven't seen this site for over eight years, so it may be dead. It would put up at random two game titles, plus a short blurb about what each one was about, and the user would have to vote for one or the other. It kept a running tally and you could see which games were "king of the hill."

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Alaka (107253) on 6/30/2013 5:50 AM · Permalink · Report

  1. The Backloggery maybe?
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TheLetterM (296) on 6/30/2013 1:46 PM · Permalink · Report

Yes, that's totally right! I'd send you a cookie if I could

Anyone know #2

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Indra was here (20750) on 6/30/2013 1:53 PM · Permalink · Report

Quote from the site:

"What gamer doesn't like to look over their stats and celebrate the milestones as they progress toward a goal? That's where we come in. We'll keep track of everything for you so you'll know what you've done and what still needs your attention."

And people wonder why I make such a fuss about character development features.

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Daniel Saner (3509) on 7/1/2013 2:03 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

A very sobering site.

Games in total: 844
Unfinished: 828 (98.1%)
Unplayed: 739 (87.2%)

Although most of my retail PC games, which I usually played for at least a while, are still missing from that. Who can outdo me?

I love their badges. You get a cursed status if you add 10 new games in a row without completing one in between. I'm usually perma-cursed.

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Fred VT (25942) on 7/1/2013 4:12 PM · Permalink · Report

I just created a profile after reading this thread, so it's still pretty much empty for now: http://backloggery.com/Ultyzarus

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MrFlibble (18373) on 7/8/2013 2:32 PM · Permalink · Report

Once can only envy the people who have so much time they can dedicate to playing games that they've lost track of the titles they've played.

I also believe that too many games isn't a good thing at all, since one has less opportunity to fully appreciate individual titles.

And one more thing (now that I've gone on a rant of sorts ;)). I think that actually you don't have to complete every game to enjoy it. The opposite is also true of course: you don't have to enjoy a game to complete it.

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Daniel Saner (3509) on 7/8/2013 3:37 PM · Permalink · Report

Well, in most cases it is really more losing track of the titles you haven't played, which was the original idea behind the Backloggery. It's less about showing off what you've played, rather than helping you remember what you didn't get around to yet. (That's why they have a "fortune cookie" feature that chooses a random unplayed/unfinished game from your collection for you to play next).

[Q --start MrFlibble wrote--]

I also believe that too many games isn't a good thing at all, since one has less opportunity to fully appreciate individual titles.

And one more thing (now that I've gone on a rant of sorts ;)). I think that actually you don't have to complete every game to enjoy it. The opposite is also true of course: you don't have to enjoy a game to complete it.

[/Q --end MrFlibble wrote--]

I prefer the former fact :) Yes, with too many games it quickly becomes overwhelming. The reason why I don't get around to play them is, however, exactly the fact that I want to appreciate them fully. But I'm also much less hesitant these days to drop a game entirely if I don't enjoy it enough anymore.

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Donatello (466) on 7/8/2013 9:43 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start MrFlibble wrote--]

Once can only envy the people who have so much time they can dedicate to playing games that they've lost track of the titles they've played.

I also believe that too many games isn't a good thing at all, since one has less opportunity to fully appreciate individual titles.

And one more thing (now that I've gone on a rant of sorts ;)). I think that actually you don't have to complete every game to enjoy it. The opposite is also true of course: you don't have to enjoy a game to complete it.

[/Q --end MrFlibble wrote--]

Time has nothing to do with it. You could play one game and spend 1000 hours on it if you so wish.

I use a Mobygames' list function to keep track of the titles I've played personally.

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MrFlibble (18373) on 7/9/2013 6:01 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Donatello wrote--] Time has nothing to do with it. [/Q --end Donatello wrote--] If one doesn't have enough time to realistically play any game (or number of games), then one probably won't even bother making a list of prospective games to play in the first place.

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Daniel Saner (3509) on 7/9/2013 7:40 PM · Permalink · Report

It's supposed to save you time spent rummaging through your collection aimlessly. Or a measure to prevent buying too many new games before you at least tried out the ones you already have. You enter games when you buy them, or while you're going through your attic anyway. When your collection reaches a certain size you can't find an unplayed game just at a glance anymore (unless, as in my case, a randomly chosen game has a 98% chance of being unplayed.)

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MrFlibble (18373) on 7/10/2013 12:57 PM · Permalink · Report

BTW, I've just realized that from the time I was first introduced to PC gaming as a kid, I've never really thought of games as something that you're supposed to experience throughout the whole thing, like reading books or watching films. Sure, beating the end boss and winning is something you'd talk about with your friends, and progressing forward through the levels has novelty value in and of itself, but I've always perceived games as something that you can play a bit every now and then, regardless of whether you complete them or not.

Maybe this is because one of my first games was F-19 Stealth Fighter, which is mission-based and doesn't have an explicit path towards completion, and another Prince of Persia, which I would play from the beginning every time because back then I didn't realize you could save your game after level 3 :)

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GTramp (81960) on 7/10/2013 11:04 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start MrFlibble wrote--]

Prince of Persia, which I would play from the beginning every time because back then I didn't realize you could save your game after level 3 :)

[/Q --end MrFlibble wrote--]

How can you do that? Cheats? I always had to start from the beginning and play to the very end, until I mastered the game:)

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MrFlibble (18373) on 7/13/2013 5:47 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start GTramp wrote--] [Q2 --start MrFlibble wrote--]

Prince of Persia, which I would play from the beginning every time because back then I didn't realize you could save your game after level 3 :)

[/Q2 --end MrFlibble wrote--]

How can you do that? Cheats? I always had to start from the beginning and play to the very end, until I mastered the game:) [/Q --end GTramp wrote--] No cheats, it's a built-in feature. Press Ctrl+G to save your game, Ctrl+L to load. It saves your current level and the amount of time remaining, and takes you back to the beginning of the level even though you can press Ctrl+G at any time during play. And yeah, it only works from level 3 onward.

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Daniel Saner (3509) on 7/13/2013 7:29 PM · Permalink · Report

The special advantage for those players who bothered to read the manual! =)

Hey, among today's players I bet reading the manual would count as cheating. Well, if they still made manuals that is.

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MrFlibble (18373) on 7/15/2013 12:10 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Daniel Saner wrote--]The special advantage for those players who bothered to read the manual! =) [/Q --end Daniel Saner wrote--] Actually I think I read it in some unofficial (but very informative) FAQ.

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Daniel Saner (3509) on 7/18/2013 2:08 PM · Permalink · Report

Check the original manual on Replacementdocs – it's in there! :)

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Indra was here (20750) on 7/18/2013 4:05 PM · Permalink · Report

Oh, the replacementdocs links at MG are gone. Pity that didn't work out.

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Donatello (466) on 7/12/2013 11:16 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start MrFlibble wrote--] [Q2 --start Donatello wrote--] Time has nothing to do with it. [/Q2 --end Donatello wrote--] If one doesn't have enough time to realistically play any game (or number of games), then one probably won't even bother making a list of prospective games to play in the first place. [/Q --end MrFlibble wrote--]

Well, if one has time to frequent Moby, one probably has time to play at least one game a year. :)

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GTramp (81960) on 7/10/2013 11:03 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start MrFlibble wrote--]

Once can only envy the people who have so much time they can dedicate to playing games that they've lost track of the titles they've played.

I also believe that too many games isn't a good thing at all, since one has less opportunity to fully appreciate individual titles.

And one more thing (now that I've gone on a rant of sorts ;)). I think that actually you don't have to complete every game to enjoy it. The opposite is also true of course: you don't have to enjoy a game to complete it.

[/Q --end MrFlibble wrote--]

It's really not a problem as long as you mix genres and don't play similar games one after another.

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GTramp (81960) on 7/10/2013 11:06 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Daniel Saner wrote--]A very sobering site.

Games in total: 844
Unfinished: 828 (98.1%)
Unplayed: 739 (87.2%)

Although most of my retail PC games, which I usually played for at least a while, are still missing from that. Who can outdo me?

I love their badges. You get a cursed status if you add 10 new games in a row without completing one in between. I'm usually perma-cursed. [/Q --end Daniel Saner wrote--]

At this rate you'd probably want to slow down buying new games :)

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Daniel Saner (3509) on 7/11/2013 3:22 PM · Permalink · Report

I know! I know! But.... Steam sales =D

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Fred VT (25942) on 7/11/2013 7:33 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start GTramp wrote--] [Q2 --start Daniel Saner wrote--]A very sobering site.

Games in total: 844
Unfinished: 828 (98.1%)
Unplayed: 739 (87.2%)

Although most of my retail PC games, which I usually played for at least a while, are still missing from that. Who can outdo me?

I love their badges. You get a cursed status if you add 10 new games in a row without completing one in between. I'm usually perma-cursed. [/Q2 --end Daniel Saner wrote--]

At this rate you'd probably want to slow down buying new games :) [/Q --end GTramp wrote--]

I'm in a similar situation, but mostly because I often buy games for collection purpose only, and that I often leave games unfinished even though I was near the end. After a while, I try collecting too much and put all my effort into having everything at 100% that I never get to the end, and when I want to reach the end, I barely remember where I was supposed to go next...

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Indra was here (20750) on 7/11/2013 8:33 PM · Permalink · Report

You guys have weird gaming habits. I rarely touch another game as that experience will hinder excitement to the current one I'm playing. Will also avoid having another unplayed game within reach, as it will tempt me to try it out every time I'm mildly stuck or bored with the current game.

I actually have a finished game list (using the have/want list) I use here on MG. Haven't updated it for awhile and don't know if this link works.

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Daniel Saner (3509) on 7/13/2013 3:52 PM · Permalink · Report

That's the way we'd strive to be, I guess :)

But I don't particularly stop myself from playing several games in parallel, except for very story-heavy games where everything would become a jumbled mess if you only get to play every couple of days. But most of the time I play a couple at once, from different eras and genres, and some I play just for database/collection/curiosity's sake (e.g. bad low-budget shooters). I won't force myself to play a strategy game if I'm in the mood for a fast action title, just because I already started on the strategy game.