Forums > Game Forums > Tropico 3 > A real bummer.

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Scott Monster (986) on 11/8/2009 4:00 AM · Permalink · Report

I was hoping that would be just as great as the original. The demo says otherwise.

The original had a cool narrative voice with a genuine Latin accent. That added so much to the game. The new one has a guy who can't even fake a good accent and sounds like a game show host.

The music sounds just as good, but they took away the simplicity of game play by throwing in a major graphic update that makes you work harder.

C'est La Vie.

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FloodSpectre (233) on 12/26/2009 8:08 PM · Permalink · Report

I definitely have to agree about the annoying announcer. The voice acting in the original was great, and I honestly miss it this time around.

In a way, I'm a bit disappointed with the game. There's very little that's been added or improved over the original game (plus expansion), and it seems that even in sandbox mode you're restricted to a maximum of 50 years of playtime. I recall having a game of Tropico lasting into 2015 or so at least...

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Indra was here (20750) on 12/26/2009 8:48 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Scott Monster wrote--]I was hoping that would be just as great as the original.
[/Q --end Scott Monster wrote--] As great as the original? Egad.

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Geamandura (2326) on 1/9/2010 12:25 AM · Permalink · Report

True, the narrator's voice is awful. Couldn't realize what the hell he's trying to tell me.

I haven't played the previous 2 Tropicos, but I find this one totally delicious, damn good these Bulgarian devs :) Can't stop playing since I bought it. Happy like a fish cause it's DRM-free too.

Although the 3D controls add an unneeded complexity... I always loved 2D strategies.

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Daniel Saner (3509) on 1/27/2010 9:13 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Scott Monster wrote--]they took away the simplicity of game play by throwing in a major graphic update that makes you work harder.[/Q --end Scott Monster wrote--]

Oh no, another one of those who have been ruined by a completely unnecessary 3D engine? I remember RollerCoaster Tycoon and The Settlers with worries. It just makes things slow and complicated (and uglier in many cases). But what can you do. If you release a 2D game today, you know almost no one under the age of 18 will buy it, and even "professional" reviewers will call it "dated".

No DRM sounds good though, I might go fetch a copy after all. I loved the first one.

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Geamandura (2326) on 2/16/2010 10:22 AM · Permalink · Report

In Tropico 3 the 3D engine does not hinder gameplay too much, just a little. It's worth it and it's well done. I guess it's hindering in games where you have to react very fast as in Warcraft 3 or so, but not here.