Forums > Game Forums > Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos > MIDI music with Soundblaster effects?

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fooziex (2904) on 12/1/2010 6:41 PM · Permalink · Report

Is there any way to get this game to run with General MIDI (or MT-32) music and Sound Blaster digital effects/voices? In the version I have, the setup.exe only allows one or the other. I've tried to edit the lands.cfg, but in addition to the main settings section, there appears to be some kind of check bit at the end. If anyone else is interested I can upload the different lands.cfg files for MIDI, MT-32, Sound Blaster w/ digital effects and without, and No Sound for analysis. I'll make an update post if I make any progress on my own.

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vedder (71181) on 12/1/2010 9:49 PM · Permalink · Report

I'm playing the game right now without problems. I'm using General MIDI for the music and Sound Blaster AWE for the voices. I'm using DOSbox 0.74 and an ISO-image of the CD-Rom version.

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fooziex (2904) on 12/1/2010 10:13 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Should have clarified, I'm using the disk version (with DOSBox 0.74). I guess I should just try to find a copy of the CD version; I'm just confounded that they have the setup program list the "Music Score Source," "Sound Effect Source," and "Digitized Source" separately and not allow you to choose different options. Specifically, I run setup.exe, which brings up a "Play Music and Sound from:" list, with no way of choosing different options for each, and then shows a confirmation screen with the 3 aforementioned "Sources" as though they were individual options. If you get a chance, could you post or email me your lands.cfg file? For me, it's a 10 byte file.

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fooziex (2904) on 12/2/2010 1:42 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

In the post-install notes for the CD-ROM version, there is an item "1.4 Dual sound card support," which says that this is a new feature for the CD version. Looks like floppy disk users are out of luck.

Edit: In fact, if you replace the floppy disk version's lands.cfg file with a dual sound card lands.cfg from the CD-ROM version, it apparently works. I've only watched the intro, but it seems to be working fine. If anyone wants, I can send them a dual sound card lands.cfg.

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Terok Nor (42734) on 12/2/2010 8:19 AM · Permalink · Report

This seems to be a common Westwood problem. I'm pretty sure Dune II was the same - they fixed it in a patch, though.

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Slug Camargo (583) on 12/6/2010 2:14 AM · Permalink · Report

Sweet lard, you just gave me the most horrible flashback, struggling with those kinds of setups. Those days truly were horrible. Say what you want about Microsoft's monopoly, but DirectX sure is a blessing on the user end.

I remember a friend of mine had bought a Sound Blaster for like 200 dollars, and he would play any kind of garbage just because it had voices or music with actual drums. He bought Mike Ditka's Ultimate Football just for the voice in the intro screen. Oh the horror D: