🐳 Moby v2024.06.07

Deus Ex: Invisible War

aka: DX2, Deus Ex 2, IW
Moby ID: 11253

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Average score: 79% (based on 28 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 30 ratings with 3 reviews)

God Is Dead...

The Good
The long anticipated sequel to one of the most satisfying PC gaming experiences, Deus Ex: Invisible War, was released for the PC and Xbox. The sequel does not live out to the original, but that is not surprising as this sort of thing often happens, when a game is just too brilliant.

In Deus Ex 2, you are Alex D. Deus Ex veterans will almost immediately know that the “D” stands for Denton. As either a male or female, you are a student at Tarsus, an academy that trains biomoded agents. 20 years after the events depicted in the first game, the world is just recovering from the brink, and once more many groups have interest in taking control.

Once more it is up to you to choose sides, and change the world, either for the better or for the worse. So Invisible War, has an interesting plot, maybe not as much as it’s predecessor, but the real problem here is that there are two many plot-holes and other glaring problems for the game to achieve the level of greatness of the original game. More on that later.

The graphics are excellent, and state of the art, unlike the first game. The lighting effects are so realistic, it will blow your mind. If Graphics made the game, then this would be a much better game.

The sound department fares well, the VO’S are excellent, as we have come to expect from Ion Storm. The sound effects are great, as is the music, thought the OST is not quite as good, as the original.

The Bad
The Bad& The Ugly: Well, as I mentioned above, the plot is good, but not great. There are just to many plot holes, and inconsistencies in it to keep it from “godly” like the original. For starters, the plot assumes that at the end of Deus Ex J.C. got all three endings, not only is this impossible, but just plain stupid. How could he merge with Helios, and at the same time, join the Illuminati, and, destroy the Area 51, thus starting the new dark age, and not be killed?

Plus, the Alex D, thing does not add up. If J.C. blew Area 51 to hell then, would not Alex have been destroyed? Furthermore Alex D? Who the hell’s surname is “D”. Aside from maybe Captain D.( You know the proprietor of the famous fast seafood restaurants;)

Some of the gameplay is often just poor. Deus Ex 2, introduces “Universal Ammo Clips”. This is pure idiocy. For some reason, all the weapons of the game be it a pistol, shotgun, or rocket launcher, use the same clips…WTF? Any astute gamer will have to question how it is possible for a civilization, that just came back from the brink of oblivion managed to not only catch up with the old world, but surpass it. Not only is this jackass from a plot point of view but a gameplay one as well. It in one fell swoop defeats the purpose of collecting multiple weapons. In most games when you deplete ammo in one gun you switch to another, in DX:IW, you cannot do this, if your ammo supply is spent than all weapons are useless.

Ion Storm claims, that the reason for the UA, is that gamers complained that in the first game that ammo was often scarce, yet it really was not, if you actually used the weapons properly, the only time in the original I ran low on ammo was towards the end, and did DX2 prevent that from happening? HELL NO! So a note to game developers, do not heed stupid complaints that have no basis in what I like to call reality.

As stated above the graphics are good, but it also comes with draw backs. Such as the smaller areas. All the hubs are too small, Seattle, Cairo, and Germany are tiny. Hell’s Kitchen, alone in the first game was bigger than most areas in this sequel. The mission areas are often small as well, with perhaps the exception of the final area in the game. You also do not travel to as many varying places as in the original. What happened to London, and Sydney, that according to early previews were in the game?

Finally, this may seem like I am nitpicking, but none of the 4 different endings are that great, there is no closure, compared to the first game, which only had 3 endings, but all of which were cool.

The Bottom Line
Overall, I am glad that we got to see a sequel to Deus Ex, yet like many sequels to brilliant games, it often stumbles and falls, where the first game soared. And I would be lying if I said, I did not have fun playing this game. Yet not nearly as much as I did with the original stellar PC hit. If you want to see a better Ion Storm game on Xbox or PC, I recommend the excellent, Thief III: Deadly Shadows. As for DX:IW, I can really only recommend it to die hard Deus Ex’ers, and even they may be disappointed as I a was.

Xbox · by MasterMegid (723) · 2006

Atmospheric, interactive, genre expanding game.

The Good
This game is pretty wicked. Having not played the original and listening to others speak about it I was prepared for a game which gave you choices. By choices I took to mean the fact that beauty of the game would be in delivering a different story for each person playing it depending on the choices you made. Wrong. The choice you are given is which playing style you wish to adopt to complete a quite linear story line. The objectives can vary depending on which factions orders you wish to follow. Achieving these objectives could take the form of basically shooting the enemies, talking your way out of situations or stealth. The beauty of the game lies within the range of methods to play the game the way you want. For instance, you may choose to sneak past a camera using your thermal masking bio-modification, or disabling it with an EMP grenade, or shooting at it with an EMP modified weapon, or destroying it with your 1st person controlled Spy Drone modification or maybe just finding an air vent and seeking an alternative route.

The Bad
The expectancy it created, although to some part by word of mouth. It isn't what I expected as I said because I thought that choosing to do certain objectives and saying certain things would effect the story line of the game but it doesn't, it affects the path you take to the final and only real interactive choice in the game, the end. I found it hard not to do all the objectives I could in my goals list, which meant following multiple factions wishes, which seems to be against what the game is trying to achieve, I think. Also I thought the story was overcomplicated. Many people will probably love this, but I couldn't be bothered to take in all the long winded, long words that some of the characters spout.

The Bottom Line
A unique 1st person game which expands the genre nicely.

Xbox · by Gareth Day (7) · 2004

This game Rawked

The Good
This game's gritty style and customization drew me in, and it's sidequests and civilians supply many chances for entertainment. Also, I have had many fun experiences with hunting down every last weapon, just cuz I'm a completion nut. The time it took to do that added a good 5+ hours to the game, and because of multiple pathways, Deus Ex: Invisible War has great replay value

The Bad
I found that I had to crank up my TV's brightness to see what was going on sometimes. However, this is a small price to pay for greatness.

The Bottom Line
This game is a sci-fi shooter's dream.

Xbox · by lord of daedra (62) · 2007

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by nyccrg, Flu, Wizo, Jeanne, Sciere, Patrick Bregger, Cantillon, Alsy, Tim Janssen, Spenot, Parf.