Moby ID: 114388



The story told in ALFA-ARKIV began in 2009 with a different alternate reality game called Junko Junsui. That game was ended early because of various obstacles the developers found themselves facing: doxxing, harassment, and stress from running such a complex game in real time. They decided to expand their team and retool the concept into an interactive novel.

Terrorism Database

As part of the story, the developers created a "propaganda" video claiming that one of their characters, Oksana Kareyeva, is a terrorist. A private security analyst who saw the video, unaware that it was a work of fiction, added information on Kareyeva and the Junsui to the Terrorist Research & Analysis Consortium database. As of September 2018, this information still remains on the TRAC website.

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Trivia contributed by Harmony♡.