DOKA 2: Kishki Edition

Moby ID: 117021


The Kerch Polytechnic College massacre and DOKA 2

On October 17, 2018 the Kerch Polytechnic College massacre occured. 18-year-old student Vladislav Roslyakov, armed with a shotgun and bombs attacked other students and teachers in the Kerch Polytechnic College (Crimea, Russia). 21 people were killed and about 50 wounded. The perpetrator committed suicide. On the next day, October 18, 2018, an "Internet expert" Filipp Gross-Dneprov invited to a talk show on the popular radio station Vesti-FM tried to put the blame for this massacre on violent video games. Specifically, he talked about a non-existent video game called DOKA 2, where the players could "kill zombies, or the players were zombies themselves and they could kill people in most sophisticated ways", where the players had a special weapon that could "pull guts out of people for ten minutes", and where the players could create their own territory, for instance, a school, and do the killing there. The Russian gaming community was in uproar after hearing this blatant lie, and the whole "DOKA 2" thing became a meme. Naturally, it was only a matter of time until a game like this would be created to counter this lie and probably grab some cash in the process. "Kishki" in the game's title is the Russian for "guts".

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