Ella for Boobs 'Em Up

Moby ID: 127738

Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

This personage is completely naked

About This Content

Ella is a new personage for the game Boobs 'em up. She has sexy magnificent body. Do you think she has more chances to make a good career as a prostitute? Do you want to try how good she would be on the street?

This DLC content is available from the game, on the room where you select personages.

Born February 2nd, Ella grew up in New York, in a very Catholic family. She went to a Catholic school from pre-school until 7th grade. From 8th grade through high school, she was in a public school. She was raised to go to church, to be a good girl, sex was bad

After graduating from high school, Ella attended community college to become certified in EMS and there she understood that actually sex is a great thing.

Ella took a trade school program and she held a wide range of jobs and changed a lot of boyfriends prior to making her debut as a prostitute.

She has always been the kind of person, that if she thinks she'd enjoy something, she'd just goes do it. And now she wants to be a prostitute!

So, help Ella to take her place on the street!

Source: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1028870/Ella_for_Boobs_em_up/


STEAM Store Page

Contributed by piltdown_man.

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