Kayia for Boobs 'Em Up

Moby ID: 127773

Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

This personage is completely naked

About This Content

Kayia is a new personage for the game Boobs 'em up. She has sexy magnificent body. Do you think she has more chances to make a good career as a prostitute? Do you want to try how good she would be on the street?

This DLC content is available from the game, on the room where you select personages.

Was born July 3rd in Kumla, Kayia has German heritage. Currently based in Stockholm, Kayia is very hot girl who speaks English, Spanish, Basque and German. She learned all those languages to be able to speak with her desired men. She knew from very little age that she liked teasing guys, Kayia used to do it at school, wearing tight clothes and curving her lashes. She wanted to be desired by men, it makes her feel kind a powerful.

In 2010 she moved to London, England and tried herself in the strip dance, because it has been her fantasy for a long time, but very fast she understand that this job is not for her. Kayia love men and love having sex, she want men to touch her and not just watch, so she decided to start her working as a prostitute!

So, help Kayia to take her place on the street!

Source: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1030670/Kayia_for_Boobs_em_up/


STEAM Store Page

Contributed by piltdown_man.

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