Blazing Chrome

aka: Blazing Chrome AC
Moby ID: 129636

In Blazing Chrome, machines rule the world and the few humans left are on the edge of total extermination, lacking power, prestige or status among their metal and circuits overlords. Bring your best pal and kick some metal butts to free the humankind while enjoying a classic run’n’gun, fully loaded with action and exciting fights!

Humans are expendable after an AI controlled robot army take over the world. They survive in hiding while their hunters rule the surface. When a small rebel group gets an intel about a big AI's power plant, the machines strike their camp before they can organize an attack. A small group of rebels escape and go in a suicide mission to destroy this power plant. Choose to play as Mavra, a super badass human resistance soldier, or Doyle, the equally groovy and deadly insurgent robot. This suicide mission will result in heavy casualties and a ton of lock-and-load fast-paced action where scraping robots and blazing chrome with your powerful weapons is the only thing standing between you and your freedom.

Dash through 5 apocalyptic environments with hundred of robots-enemies to blow to pieces. Blast your way through the enemy lines and and try to defeat a bunch of mechanical bosses with using hoverbikes, huge armors and a whole arsenal of kick-ass weapons.

Blazing Chrome offers a lot of features in the legacy of classic run’n’gun games:

● Local Co-op Gameplay
● 16-bits post-apocalyptic environments
● Classic fast-paced run-and-gun experience
● Epic boss battles and crazy lot minibosses fights
● Genuine arcade feel
● Motorcycle and jetpack action
● Rad pixel art


Steam Store Description

『Blazing Chrome』は、人類の存亡をかけて最後の戦いに挑むレトロアーケードスタイルのアクションゲームだ!

西暦21XX年。 人類がロボットに支配されてしまった世界。残された人間に力はなく、ただ機械の音に怯えながら身を隠している。反乱軍の兵士たち以外は…。


<ゲームの特徴> ◆荒廃した16ビットの世界で暴れまわれ!  ロボットがひしめく「兵器工場」や「輸送列車」「通信塔」など、  5つのステージで銃弾だけを頼りに熾烈な戦いを生き抜け。  相棒と共に戦えるローカル協力プレイにも対応!

◆勝利のためにすべてを使え!  ホバーバイクや大型アーマーを使いこなせば、  一気に大量のロボットどもを倒すことができるはずだ!  戦いの中で見つかる強化アイテムも見逃すな。  タイプの異なる銃を切り替えながら戦いを有利に進めろ!

Source: Description

Contributed by Cantillon, Rik Hideto.

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