Virtual Families

aka: Virtual Families: Capture the drama of real life.
Moby ID: 135873

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After an animated introduction the title screen appears. The player is asked to enter their id and then the main menu appears
The game configuration options - note that the game can be played in a window or full screen
There's a decent in-game guide to the basics of the game
Making a family is not that romantic - drag an adult male onto an adult female - sounds like a lab experiment
Once the player has read the instructions and opts to play they are shown this screen. The next one says 'There are little people living in here. Many need a good home. Would you like to adopt?"
So there's a big empty house in a pretty field, all the player has to do is find a suitable tenant, fix them up with a mate, apply food, water, fun and work and wait
Selecting a character
So Breniana has been selected, here she is checking out the house. Lots of baby socks lying around - is that supposed to give her ideas
The Praise glove has been used to touch Breniana as a reward for putting away the groceries. She did a happy little jump or three and waved Thank-You
Breniana's status
The store screen.
It's night time and the lights come on automatically. The day/night cycle can sync with the player or be 12 hours out. Breniana has made some money today and is now doing odd jobs
When the yellow envelope appears it means there's an e-mail message. Drag & drop the character to the nearest terminal to read
Wow! That was fast! A bit too fast for my little girl. Off with you, you bounder!
E-mails aren't just for marriage proposals. Looks like the virtual families live in a world not too dissimilar to Dilbert's
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